Plaintive. 10

81 0 0

Adonis- Lucas

I stared at myself in the mirror. What is wrong with me. What happened to my 15 year old self. When I actually respected people, respected women. Now I'm just a dick.

"Mr Marchetti?" Hanna asked flirtatiously "are you ready for round four?"

"Get out Hannah" I said.

"What?" She asked sounding sad.

"I'm not going to ask again. Get out!"

She grabbed all her stuff and rushed out of the room.

I walked to my bathroom. I get especially hatful towards myself right now. A tear dropped down my cheek.

I opened the drawer under my sink and pulled out a sharp blade. It's not the first time I've done this.




I ran the knife under the cold water.

I ran my hand up my left arm.

Right there was the tattoo my father made me get. The tattoo of his mafia.

In a few days time this mafia will be mine.

I have to take Isabela to my 'ceremony'.

I shook the thought of Isabela out of my head.

Tears streamed down my face.

I bit my lip.

I smacked my hand across my cheeks to wipe away the tears but they kept falling.

I gave up and place the blade firm against my arm.

I slowly sliced through the skin.

My blood trickled down my arm in a slow drop. My tears slowed as well.

It was almost as if my tears were falling simultaneous to the blood.

I cringed when I cut deeper and deeper.

I sat on the floor.

I was feeling quite light headed.

But I didn't know if it was because I was exhausted or if I was losing too much blood.

I gripped the knife tight as I rested my head on the wall behind me.

My arm dripping blood onto the floor.

I then heard a scream and a thud coming from outside my room.


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