Punishable. 20

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Adonis- Lucas

"Could you just raise your arm for me sir?" The suit fitter asked. She measured the length and circumference of my arm.

"Luck, the groomsmen are not dressing as different marvel superheroes!" Harry yelled.

"Why not, come on!" Luck begged.

"No!" Harry typed aggressively on his laptop.

"Come on Harry, I'll let you be ant-man."

Harry paused. He looked like he was considering it.

"No!" Both me and Harry yelled at luck. Luck jumped a mile. He held his hands up in defence.

"Okay sorry, sorry," he squirmed. "It was just an idea."

"A pretty damn stupid one," Harry typed away again. I stepped off the platform just further pissing off the tailor.

"Luke, what do you want?" Luck asked me. I turned to him. Literally no one calls me Luke.

"I'm not getting involved," I said. "Also, never fucking call me Luke ever again."

I left the room without a care in the world. I walked down the hall towards my bedroom. The curtains were drawn and I had clothes all over my floor. I walked over to the desk in the corner cluttered with random shit. I used the small key attached to the thin chain around my neck to unlock the desk drawer. I have never taken this chain off ever.

I pulled out my journal. I write in there all the time. It's something that keeps me sane I guess. It's the only thing I can do with myself that's remotely personal or emotional. The only person that knows of it's existence is Luck. Only because he's just a little different to the other people I surround myself with.

There was a light knock at the door. I sighed and walked over to it. I opened it slightly. It was luck.

"What?" I asked.

"Bit rude," he narrowed his eyes at me. He pushed passed me and stood in the centre of my room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked.

"Lucas," he said. "Look around," he looked around my room. "The girl hasn't come home for a week and you've turned into this."

"What are you talking about?"

"You haven't left this place in a week," he took a step closer. "So she hides herself from you and you don't do anything about it?"

"What- she's not hiding," I said. "She'll have to come back eventually, right?"

"And what if she doesn't?"

"If you don't shut the fuck up I will beat your ass," I threatened.

"You know I'm right," he said. "Find her," he stepped closer. "And talk to her." He looks up at me. He's only a little shorter than me. But when he's pressed up against my chest he has to tilt his head slightly. "And who knows," he lowered his voice to a whisper. "Maybe you'll fuck her."

I smashed my lips against his in an aggressive and hungry kiss. I gripped my hand on his throat and moved him towards my bed. I pushed him down on it and stood in front of him. I pulled my shirt off over my head.

"Oh so we're doing this again," he said. "Okay.."

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