Think about her

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Two days, it's been two days since the wedding was called off. Ashlynn was like craved in Ace's head all these times.

He couldn't forget her, no matter what he did. She was there, in his mind, always occupying his thoughts.

The way she spoke, the way she acted, the way her lips moves when she speaks-

"Mr Black. Are you listening to me?", a man in his early forties asked Ace.

"No.",Ace responded. He was still thinking about her. "What were you saying?"

The man cleared his throat and said, "well, I was talking about the investment. You said you'd invest in my hotel didn't you?"

"I most certainly did.",Ace confirms.

"Well, When are you going to invest it?",The man asked to which Ace thought for a while before replying, "Well, Mr Gilbert, once my assistant check your hotel's account and makes sure that the financial condition is stable, only then will I invest."

"But that's not fair! You said you would-",The man spoke but was cut off by Ace, "Did you really think that I would invest in a hotel who's going to close down in a month or two? Seriously, grow up!"

"I'm forty six.",the man was embarrassed.

"I don't care whatever your age is. If I invest in a hotel that's going to close in a month or two, like I said before, I'll make a loss and I don't make losses, I never did. Neither have this company ever suffered any loss and it's going to remain that way. Do you get my point, Mr Gilbert?'

"Y-yes clearly.",Mr Gilbert responded.

"Very well. We agreed that I'll invest on your hotel and you'll give me 40% of the profits, didn't we?",Ace asked and he nodded, "We did."

"If your financial condition isn't stable and you most likely won't make any profits. That's why I'll have it checked before. Now can you leave or should I have you thrown out?",Ace asked, raising an eyebrow at the man.

Mr Gilbert stood up from his seat and left his office instantly.

As soon as he left, Ace gave Brad a call. He needed to find more about that girl.

"What's up bro?",Brad asked as soon as he answered the call.

"What is Ashlynn's full name?",He asked him directly.

"Someone's interested in my friend.",Brad teased before adding, "Ashlynn Watson."

"I'll talk to you later.",Ace said and disconnected the call. He rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes only to see her face again.

"Why is she haunting me?!",Ace asked himself, furiously. "I can't seem to get rid of her- what has she done to me? Fuck!"

"All okay sir?",a woman asked which made Ace open his eyes to see who it was.

"Don't you know how to knock?!",He asked the woman angrily.

"I- I am sorry- I've been knocking for the past five minutes but you weren't responding. I thought something happened to you- I'm sorry.",the woman apologized.

Ace sighed, "It's fine. What do you need?"

"Mr Black is here to see you. I thought you were busy since you weren't responding to your intercom either.",the woman responded.

"Which Mr Black are you precisely talking about?",Ace asked, raising an eyebrow to the receptionist.

"John Black.",The woman replied to which Ace nodded, "Send him."

The woman nodded and left. A few seconds later, John entered his grandson's office.

"Hey, how have you been?",John asked as he take a seat across Ace.

"I've been better.",Ace replied, "How about you?"

"Well I'm good as always. Your dad called. He said that you haven't been answering his calls today.",John spoke.

Ace checked his phone and found thirty missed calls from his dad. "Damn it!"

"Is everything okay?",John asked, he was tensed.

"Don't worry. I've been busy, it's been a long day today.",Ace replied. John nodded and said, "No need to call him again. He's probably busy with your mom, just leave him a text."

Ace nodded and left a text to his dad like his grandfather suggested,

'Sorry for not answering your calls. It's been a long day at the office today and I've been busy. Call me when you're less busy with mom ;)'

'Who said that I was busy with your mom?',the reply came back almost instantly.

'Grandfather did.',Ace texted back.

'Now I am so you gotta wait for the phone call.',Alexander replied which made Ace smirk.

'Getting busy- I see. I didn't want any siblings but I won't say no to a sister.',Ace texted.

'I can't grant that wish of yours, unfortunately. Your mom's too old to conceive.'Alexander texted which made Ace laugh.

'Wait for her to hear that from me.',Ace replied.

'You wouldn't dare- It's between father and son. Anyway, I'll go now, your mommy is getting impatient.'

Ace let out a laugh on his father's message and put his phone back in his pocket. John raised an eyebrow at his grandson, "Mind telling me what was funny?"

"Nothing much.",Ace shrugged.

"What happened to you, Ace?",John asked, his eyes filled with worry.

"What do you mean?",Ace asked, confused by his grandfather's sudden question.

"I've seen your receptionist calling you eight times, Ace. She said you always used to answer on the first time. She even knocked on your door, stood in front of it for five minutes but still got no response from you. Is everything alright? Is someone or something bothering you? Tell me, I'm your grandfather and I believe, I can help you in whatever it is.",John said and made himself comfortable on his seat, ready to hear what Ace was about to say.

Ace sighed and decided to tell his grandfather what was bothering him. He was close to him, John knew things about Ace that even Alexander didn't.

"Two days ago, I went to Brad's wedding.",Ace started. John cut him off, "The one that was cancelled because Jane was cheating on Brad? A funny story, that one."

"Yeah well--Brad didn't want to marry Jane so he asked a friend to help him. That friend brought her best friend's boyfriend to act like he has been cheated on by Jane. She even managed to get some fake photos made out to prove herself which made Brad call of the wedding, he played along with her."

"That was a smart and funny move.",John said with a smirk.

"That friend of his-",Ace spoke but stopped. He didn't know how to say this.

"Has been on your mind ever since you saw her?",John asked, raising an eyebrow at Ace.

Ace was slightly shocked at first but nodded, "I can't seem to get rid of her. I think about her every single second, every day, every hour, everytime-"

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