Mike Being Mike

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"Who did you fail, Lynn?" A familiar voice, from behind her asked. She turned around and met those eyes-


Ace was standing there with his serious face.
His hands still in his pocket and his eyes shining under the moonlight.

'Lynn' she said to herself and felt warm. She was glad that he still remember the nickname he used to call her and overwhelmed that he still uses it.

Seeing that she wasn't replying, Ace spoke again, "I asked you a question, Lynn. Answer me."

"Nobody." She responded, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He said and walked towards her. With every step he took, Ashlynn's heart was beating faster and faster.

'Since when did he start have that effect on me?' She asked herself.

"I asked you first." She spoke.

"Fair- I came here because I saw you coming here." He replied. He was now standing in front of her, focusing on her only.

"So you are stalking me?" Ashlynn asked and faked a laugh.

He stared at her for a moment before pulling her to him. Ashlynn was taken aback by what he did but didn't Dare to move.

His hands were rested on her waist while hers were on his chest. They were standing under moonlight and looking into each other's eyes.

"I missed you, Lynn. I really did." Ace said softly.

"I missed you too, Ace." She really did miss him. Hearing his name from her mouth after a year did feel good- he thought.

Ace smiled at her before pulling her for a hug. He hugged her like his life depended on it.

He never wanted to let her go, not now, not ever. She was his, and he would make sure of it.

"Will you tell me what you were doing here?" Ace asked, still not breaking the hug.

"I needed some fresh air." She replied and without knowing, she snuggled closer to him.

"I see you're making yourself comfortable." Ace teased which made Ashlynn realize what she was doing.

"S-sorry." She muttered as she broke the hug. 'I feel safe when I'm with him. I missed his warmth-' she said to herself.

"I didn't mind." Ace smirked.

"Okay lovebirds! Let's have some fun inside instead of outside, yeah?" Mike came outside and asked them.

"We needed some fresh air." Ashlynn stated quickly before he could get the wrong ideas but it was too late.

Mike- being Mike- as soon as saw that these two weren't inside, his thoughts already began to run wild.

"It's okay if you don't want to have fun with the family though. I'll tell them that you guys had to leave due to an emergency." Mike added.

"Which is?" Ace asked curiously.

"Ace and Ashlynn were both turned on so they went to turn it off." Mike said with a smirk.

"I'm going inside." Ashlynn spoke and walked away quickly.

"What was that?" Ace asked Mike as soon as Ashlynn was out of sight.

"That was me- being me." Mike said proudly, "Come on, let's go inside. I'm so bored right now. I want to enjoy this wedding with my favourite nephew!"

"I'm your favourite nephew- really?" Ace asked and rolled his eyes, "I can swear that last week, you said that Brandon is your favourite."

"Well- you know me. I change my mind very quickly." Mike responded, "Brandon doesn't know how to have fun. He's boring like his dad."

"Excuse me? I am boring?" Kenzo asked as he approached these two.

Mike scratched the back of his head before shaking his head quickly, "I didn't say that, did I?"

"You just did, Asshole." Kenzo snapped.

"I don't remember. Maybe I'm getting amnesia- oh god!! Pity your brother-" Mike said dramatically before walking away, or maybe running away from Kenzo.

"Come back here!" Kenzo shouted but he kept on walking away.

"Pity me!! What if I forget everything?" He shouted from afar as he entered the hall, disappearing from their sight.

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