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After the movie, they went for ice cream. They were eating their ice creams and laughing over some random jokes.

"My cousin's name is Jackie and he sucks a lot. Y'all know what he did? He fucked his own mother!" Brad said and exploded in laughter.

"And you find that funny?" Ashlynn asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes I do." Brad responded.

"I find that disgusting." Ashlynn said and made a disgusted face.

"Same. How can someone fuck his own mother? Aren't there enough other women in the world?" Ace asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hold on! Did I say mother?" Brad asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

Everyone at the table responded with a 'yes'. Brad began laughing and corrected himself, "I meant best friend."

"You suck-" Ashlynn rolled her eyes at Brad. "You just wanted attention- Admit it."

Brad sighed and nodded, "Fine! You all had a story to share but I didn't."

And that made everyone laugh at him. He just invented something out of nowhere-

"Oh my god!!" A loud scream was heard from behind them. Everyone turned their heads towards the scream.

A woman was standing in front of them with two other women behind her. The woman who screamed had blonde hairs while the other one's hair was pink and the other one next to the pink haired girl's hair was black.

"Oh my gosh!!! You guys are the famous CEOs!!" The Pink haired girl shouted excitedly.

"Oh my gosh!!! Yes!! So what?" Ashlynn mimicked her which earned a chuckle from Ace, Brad, Xander, Brandon, Lydia and Monica.

"So what?! They're literally the most famous men around here and probably in the whole world!" The black haired girl spoke.

"And who are you? Their girlfriends?" The blonde haired girl asked Ashlynn, Monica and Lydia.

"You must be kidding-" Ashlynn muttered and rolled her eyes.

"We're just friends." Monica said instantly.

"So- can we be friends with you guys?" The Pink haired girl asked.

"No barbie. We're good." Ashlynn quickly denied. She hated new people, especially fake ones like those girls. She trusted no one, after all.

She doesn't even trust anyone there except one person and that is, Ace.

She didn't know why but she felt like she could trust him.

"Why? Who are you anyway?" The black haired girl asked.

"Didn't your parents tell you to not speak to strangers, sweetheart?" Ashlynn asked raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yes but they aren't strangers." The black haired girl responded.

"Really? Do you know their address? Have you ever met them before? What is their middle names? Who are they dating? Who are their parents?" Ashlynn asked her.

"I- I don't know! Why are you asking me all that?" Black haired girl was confused.

"When you don't know anything about someone then he or she is a stranger to you, woman! Now fuck off before I make you." Ashlynn spoke seriously.

The black haired girl and her other friends disappeared from their sight the next second.

"Dumb bitches." Ashlynn sighed.

"Ash, who are your parents? Are they here with you or are they in Miami?" Brandon asked out of curiosity.

"They're in Miami. Why?" Ashlynn asked back.

"Just asking. Why are they in Miami though?" Brandon asked again.

"Because they want to spend time alone. Is there a problem, Brandon?" Ashlynn raised an eyebrow at him.

Brandon shrugged, "No. There's no problem at all. Curiousity got the best of me."

"I see." Ashlynn continued eating her ice cream. All this time, Ace was staring at her.

'Whatever happens, this girl is mine. Mine to love, mine to protect, mine to cherish and mine to fuck.' He wrote a self note in his mind.

"So Ash what about boyfriends? Do you have any?" Xander asked.

Ashlynn shook her head, "No one at the moment."

"So you're looking for one?" Brad jumped in the conversation.

"No." Ashlynn immediately proved him wrong, "I'm not interested."

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