The night of the blood moon

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It all started on the night of the blood moon, a night vastly regarded by the village folk as the most unholy evening of all. Everyone is instructed not to go outside in fear of inciting demons to come up in search of souls but that night, in particular, was the night that rule would be broken by a young man named Wilbur Soot.

Long after the church had closed its doors for the night Wilbur snuck back in to retrieve a necklace he had forgotten in the main hall and while there he decided it wouldn't hurt to do a quick prayer under the moonlight but just as he was about to finish, the Bible that he clutched in his hands was jerked to the ground by some invisible force. The windows shattered with enough force to knock him onto his back, glass raining down upon him and making a neat circle around the book. "Wh-what the...what's happening?!" He questioned himself as nothing but absolute fear flowed through his veins.
Wilbur felt the entire building begin to tremble as the book flipped open, pages flipping rapidly. He quickly got up and turned around to run away from whatever was happening but before he could even take two steps forwards the chandelier crashed into the floor, blocking his path and lighting the carpet ablaze but thankfully it didn't spread any further than the material on the floor.

All he could do was look on in confused horror as a silhouette became visible within the blazes accompanied by fierce laughter.

The flames then cleared to reveal someone with bent back animalistic legs and an open suit that showed off most of his chest. A crown hung loosely off of sharp-looking horns that curled around fluffy ram ears on his head and upside-down crosses made an appearance in the form of gold jewelry that he wore proudly on both his horns and his legs. There was no doubt in Wilbur's mind that it was a demon of some sort.

"How bold of you to pray during MY night...didn't you get the memo? Stay off your knees unless your sucking dick, pretty boy" the demon spat as he strutted forwards, hands placed firmly on his hips. For every step forward he took Wilbur took two steps black, tripping on the small set of stairs that lead to the podium and setting him on his back once again.

The demon eventually cornered him and pulled him by his necklace, bringing their faces extremely close. Wilbur turned his head away but the demon was quick to pull it back with his free hand. Wilbur felt his heart beat hard against his chest as his face slowly began to heat up "But nooo you just love XD so much you can't go one day without professing your undying love for him...makes me sick" the demon growled, piercing scarlet eyes showing nothing but distaste. Wilbur felt himself become a bit weak under his gaze.

His hands shook as he weakly grabbed the demon's hands, silently pleading for him to let go "I...I'm truly sorry...please let me keep my life" he begged softly. The demon just scowled and dropped him back to the floor, smirking as Wilbur let out a surprised yelp "did I give you permission to talk to me?" The taller man just looked down as he shook his head.

This whole experience was...exhilarating for Wilbur if he was being honest. He loved the feeling of being absolutely powerless under the demon but he would never admit to such unholy thoughts, especially in a church of all places.

He swallowed hard as he adjusted his glasses "look at you...shaking like a humans are so adorably pitiful" he cooed as Wilbur continued to stare at him with frightened eyes. He had so many things to say to the demon but he didn't want to anger him by speaking out of turn again so he reluctantly held his tongue.

After a moment of consideration, the demon granted him permission to speak and the first question on Wilbur's mind at the time wasn't 'are you going to kill me' or 'what are you going to do with me now' it was " your name..." He knew the unholy being could kill him with a mere flick of his wrist so he kept the question simple and inoffensive. The demon looked a bit surprised he didn't immediately begin begging for his life " humans call me a lot of stupid ass names like Satan and the devil but I prefer...Jschlatt, it has a nice ring to it y'know?"

Another twinge of fear in Wilbur's heart knowing he angered the king of hell himself and not just some random demon.

Wilbur stifled a whine before timidity asking "a...are you here to steal my soul?" To which Jschlatt responded with "well that was the plan but...well you know me, I can't pass up the opportunity for a good deal" Schlatt responded with a sinister smirk which only made Wilbur shrink down further.

"all you need to do is worship me right here right now and I'll let you keep your soul...okay?" Wilbur's eyes widened in shock. He heard Schlatt perfectly fine but that didn't stop "...what?" From slipping from his lips. Schlatt's expression soured "Did you not hear me? I want you to grovel at my feet, compliment everything about me, and call me your god! I've always wanted someone to do that..."

Wilbur thought for a moment, debating if he should give in to his demands before deciding he had too much to lose. He couldn't afford for his soul to be stolen, his family would be devastated.

"Primes above...please forgive me..."

Reluctantly, he changed his position so he was sitting on his knees and bowed down " Lord, my king, my....god" he barely managed to choke out the words "you are the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on, truly, I am unworthy of your unholy presence" he glanced up at the demon in front of him who looked rather pleased so he took that as a sign to stop. He lifted himself off of the floor only to discover that Jschlatt was a bit shorter than him. He would've laughed if it didn't mean immediate death.

Schlatt suddenly poked his chest making Wilbur stiffen immediately then he slowly dragged his finger up Wilbur's body to cup his cheek "Good fact, you did so good I think you deserve a prize~" Wilbur's face turned red as Schlatt suddenly leaned forwards to gently press his surprisingly soft lips against Wilbur's neck but it only lasted for a few seconds before he leaned away again. he started at Wilbur's flustered expression for a moment before saying "you should worship me more often, it feels nice" and turning on his heel to stepping back into the fire. Wilbur was a bit sad to see him go if he was being honest.

When the flames disappeared so did the rest of the damage done to the church making it look like nothing had happened at all.

Wilbur wasted no time and gathered his stuff, leaving the church with one thought echoing in his mind.

"What the hell just happened and Why is the devil so attractive"

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