prove it

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Wilbur hummed a cheery song as he slid off his sweater to put on a fresh one but he paused as he saw the wide array of cuts that littered both of his arms, Far too many to be passed off as simple cat scratches. Had he been speaking to Schlatt that much? How had he not noticed until then?

He began counting but decided to stop once he reached forty-five. How did it go from speaking once a month to once a week to sometimes multiple times a day!... He really was addicted to Jschlatt wasn't he...

His eyes drifted to the Bible he used for the ritual. Dried blood covered the entirety of the front cover as the same substance seeped into the first few pages and the blade that was once wonderfully sharp was beginning to become slightly dull from its repeated use.

But it was alright because in exchange he got to see his beloved.

Wilbur could stare into his beautifully degrading red eyes until he died, he always knew what spots made Wilbur feel the best despite his lack of experience with humans, and the pleased noises he would let out when wrapped in Wilbur's arms were pure music to his ears.

He wasn't going to give that up. No matter the cost.


Schlatt layed down, cuddled up to Wilbur as they leaned against the wall. The second he was summoned he demanded to be cuddled, leaving Wilbur no room to refuse, and the mortal happily obliged. Wilbur gently ran a hand through his hair, occasionally scratching his scalp and pulling another adorable noise from his lips "Remember when I wouldn't let you speak to me without permission?" The demon said as he played with one of Wilbur's many curls "That was literally last week, Schlatt" "good times" Schlatt said with a slightly cheeky smile.

Wilbur noticed that in addition to him becoming more touchy Schlatt also smiled a lot more. He showed off his sinister smirk or disgusted glare much rarer than he once did....but he never stopped speaking like Wilbur was below him which was completely alright with Wilbur, welcomed actually.

Perhaps Schlatt was beginning to grow feelings for him in return? No...that couldn't be...

"Wilbur look at me, dear" Wilbur hadn't even realized he had spaced out until Schlatt was grabbing his chin and forcing his gaze on him "yes?" "You looked a little lost...What were you thinking about?" He asked as he adjusted his position so he was straddling Wilbur's legs, hands grabbing at his shoulders for support "oh" he answered as schlatt got closer, close enough for their noses to touch "what about me?" He asked in a low, slightly sadistic tone. That tone could always make a blush creep up his face without fail. All Wilbur could do was repeat his previous answer of "you..." In an almost dreamy tone before they fell into a comfortable silence.

He couldn't take being so close to schlatt's face without a kiss to lock them together and the demon seemed to know that as well as shown by him purposefully grazing Wilbur's lips every so often. He was teasing him. He wanted to kiss him, he needed to so he leaned forwards and locked their lips together.

Schlatt's ears twitched as his face burned a deep red. Sure they had kissed before, many times in fact but that one, in particular, was....different, something that wasn't lust, something that Schlatt never thought he would feel. Love, pure and unfiltered love.

Slowly, he shut his eyes and lost himself in the kiss.

The ache in Wilbur's heart finally vanished for good as he slowly brought a hand up to cup Schlatt's cheek.

After a minute or so Wilbur pulled them apart briefly "Schlatt...I love you....I've always loved you. From day one you've had me under your spell" He confessed, high off of the kiss before going in for another, yearning to get more of the wonderful almost bubbly feeling he got from the previous kiss however Schlatt pulled away, gaze hardening and red eyes staring straight into his soul "Please, I can't stand just ignoring these burning feelings and hoping they'll go away! Please accept my confession!" Wilbur begged, quickly becoming desperate as awful thoughts flooded his mind. Had he ruined everything? Was it too soon?

"....prove it," Schlatt said. It was, once again, a command and not a request. Wilbur blinked "Excuse me?" Schlatt smirked, a casual aura coming from both his tone and body language as his flustered expression disappeared "Falling in love with a god is a big deal, dear, so I need you to prove it to me, show me how far you're willing to go" schlatt said as he stood up, towering over the still seated Wilbur "I-i would go to the ends of the earth for you, your highness!" He insisted, earning a scoff in response "Well it's easy to say that but I need you to SHOW me. Only then will I accept your feelings"

Wilbur remained silent for a moment before nodding his head frantically. He needed schlatt to believe him more than anything "O...of course, my love! What do you want? ANYTHING!"

"I want the ashes of your former church. Prove to me just how loyal you are"

His words hung in the air and played on loop in Wilbur's mind. He was tasked with burning down his former church and presenting the ashes. "....b-but what if people are in the building?" Wilbur argued weakly, earning a sinister smile. God, that was so attractive to him he almost couldn't take it. "Then they shall burn with it"

"Understood, my love"

Schlatt smirked then placed a kiss on Wilbur's forehead and disappeared as quickly as he arrived.

Wilbur sat on his knees alone with his thoughts. He glanced at the still-lit candles only to realize...

For once...Wilbur wasn't sorry.

He was going to burn that church down, leaving only ashes and memories standing and he was going to love every single second of it.

A smile spread across his face.

Schlatt would see...

They'd all see.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕞𝕖 ♡ (𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕓𝕦𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now