Extra: I love you, big bro

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Tommy screamed.

He screamed and screamed until his voice was dead, his throat began to bleed, his legs began to shake.

No..no this can't be happening.

He rushed to his side, blank eyes making him shudder "wake up please wake up!" He screamed as he began to desperately shake the corpse "WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE-"

Tommy's eyes shot open, breathing heavy and face wet with a cold sweat. For over six years he had been having that same nightmare, a replay of the night he found his big brother dead on the ground like his mind torturing him, taunting him, laughing at him. Maybe if he looked there first he could've stopped him. Maybe if he just spent more time with him he wouldn't have gone mad. Maybe....maybe....

Hypothetical situation after hypothetical situation flooded his mind. He had so many things left unsaid, so many "I love you"'s and "I'm sorry"'s left to die in his throat. He slowly stood from his bed and made his way down the hallway. No matter how many years passed the event remained fresh in his mind. He can still remember the way Techno's face screwed up when he found out. He was trying so hard to remain stone faced but later that night he was an absolute mess...

He shook his head as he finally reached the back door and looked over the sea of flowers that awaited him. Pansys Sunflowers, Daisys....Roses. The white roses that he had planted in Wilbur's memory stuck out like a sore thumb against the colorful array of flowers decorating the backyard. They seemed calm yet warm and inviting just like wilbur was...

Ugh...now he was giving flowers human-like traits, he was really desperate for Wilbur wasn't he...he just wanted to see him again, just one more time and he would he happy but he knew that was impossible...he sat down next to the flowers, leaning against the apple tree he and Wilbur used to play on as he played with the delicate petals. The way the moon reflected on the dewdrops was beautiful...he could stare at it for hours.

He closed his eyes...

And was met with a beautiful silence...

He remembered when he used to sleep out here when he was younger without a worry in the world, blissfully unaware of whatever horrors were happening in his dear brothers bedroom.

Slowly his eyes drifted back to the white flowers before he gently ran his hand across the thorns, earning a small cut on his palm...It was then that a thought made itself known in his head.

The book.

The strange book he found in Wilbur's room all that time ago, the one Techno blamed on Wilbur's death... The one that had been locked away to prevent it from hurting anyone else...what was it called again? How to summon demons and spirits?...

He could see Wilbur again.

He brightened up but quickly brought himself back to reality before he could get ahead of himself "no! You saw what happened to Wilbur, just listen to Techno for once and DO NOT go looking for it. Some things are better off gone" Tommy pondered the words of his conscience and then promptly gave it a mental middle finger. It's just a silly book there's no way it was what killed Wilbur.

He gathered a bouquet of the white roses and headed back into the house, walking straight to his big brother's room but he couldn't help but freeze before his hand could close around the rusted metal. Nobody had entered it in years, he was a bit scared of what he would find beyond the door. Maybe it would be Wilbur again, wounds fresh and skin cold staring into Tommy with those blank eyes devoid of life and-

Tommy shook the thoughts out of his head "In and out. You'll be fine" he reminded himself before swinging the door open, choking on the dust that swept into his lungs but trying not to cough too loud in fear of awaking his older brother.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕞𝕖 ♡ (𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕓𝕦𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now