Together forever

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Wilbur clutched the small jar in his hand as he went through the ritual once again. He had suffered an entire day of acting devastated and piercing "I know what you did" looks from Tommy just for this moment but he couldn't help but hesitate as he pressed the blade to his arm.

"Please...please say my work was up to your standards. Please say I did a good job...please...please accept my feelings" he pleaded to no one before slicing his arm once more and watching with bated breath as the salt lit up the room.

In one moment there was nothing and in another stood the king of hell in all of his glory, looking at him expectantly. Wilbur set the small jar on the floor quietly and slid it towards him "I...I did it. I did as you asked my love" Jschlatt picked up the jar then a smile spread across his face. It was pleasing and slightly cheerful but hidden within it was something much more sinister. He giggled softly as he placed a finger under Wilbur's chin and gently pushed his head up so deep brown eyes could meet red ones.

"I knew you had it in you, my dear. Honestly, why did I think for even a second that you wouldn't meet and surpass my expectations" Wilbur nearly exploded at all of the praise he was being given. He loved it, he loved him. "Does that mean..." The demon smiled and gave a nod of his head "yes, love, you are mine and I am yours until the end of all existence...that was the agreement after all" at that Wilbur's smile slowly began to fade causing Schlatt's fluffy ears to pin themselves to his head as concern washed over his expression " something wrong Wilbur? If I didn't make it clear I love you too..." "No, it's just...I'm sorry this is kind of dumb but it's...well...I want to join you!

Jschlatt froze then tilted his head in confusion "Join me?" "Yes, please take me with you to hell...there's nothing left for me up here but down there I'd have you" schlatt let out a laugh "you know you'd have to die for that to happen...are you willing to do that?" Wilbur grabbed the ritual knife and stared at its shining blade, his expression flashing back at him. Was he willing to go that far?

Just like every other time he's asked that question...

"Yes. Yes I am"

He presented the blade to Schlatt without stutter and the demon took it in his hands with a smile "I think I'm gonna miss your heartbeat...but if you're sure then let's do this" Schlatt cooed. Wilbur paused for a moment before quickly shaking his head "...I want to leave a letter tell my brothers where I'm going" "okay, but hurry would you?"

Wilbur quickly scribbled a goodbye note before giving Schlatt a nod "okay. I-i'm ready" he said as he set the note on his bed and opened his arms, inviting schlatt to end his life. The demon took a step forward and raised the knife, muttering "brace yourself" before he brought it down right into Wilbur's chest, hitting just below his heart.

Immediately his eyes shot open as he let out a cry of pain. blood-curdling screams and pained cries filled the air as blood seeped into his clothes, turning his once light yellow sweater into a horrible crimson red. Wilbur could feel the blade poking the back of his sweater, it had gone straight through him. His body shook as laughter mixed with cries creating an opposing symphony of agony as blood began to force itself out of Wilbur's mouth. Schlatt watched with anticipation as Wilbur slumped forwards onto him, legs gradually giving up completely and refusing to hold his body weight. His face paled and Schlatt lowered them to the floor as tears and blood-soaked into Schlatt's clothes.

Slowly Wilbur's voice slipped away as he let out shaking, shallow, almost spazam-like breaths before he fully slumped into Schlatt and let his life fade away.

Jschlatt loomed over his body and stared at his eyes, seeing nothing but emptiness staring back at him, a telltale sign that Wilbur's soul had left his body. "Killed by the king of hell himself, hell of a way to go" he chuckled at his mediocre joke before returning to hell where Wilbur would be waiting for him.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕞𝕖 ♡ (𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕓𝕦𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now