strange behavior

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Technoblade was the one closest to Wilbur, he knew him better than he knew his own mind, so when Wilbur began acting strange he couldn't help but take notice.

It was small things like him pressing his thighs together whenever he caught sight of the church or him trying to hide his left palm at all times.

No one else noticed but Techno did...and he was worried about him but whenever he tried to ask what was going on Wilbur would insist everything was fine.

Still, Techno couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.


The day following the holy blade's disappearance Techno entered the kitchen like he did every morning to see Wilbur making breakfast with his usual bright smile which was incredibly out of place considering how on edge everyone else in the village was. Techno couldn't help but find it a bit suspicious... "Ah, Techno you're just in time. I just finished breakfast, take a seat!" Techno gave a curt nod of his head and sat in the seat reserved for him, trying to avoid looking at the empty space where their father once sat.

"Hey seen Tommy yet?" Techno asked as he rested his head on his hand. Just as Wilbur was about to respond they both heard the loud pitter patter of Tommy's shoes against the hardwood floor and not long after the boy himself came bustling into the room "hey! Why didn't either of you wake me up, I almost missed breakfast!" He yelled with a pout as he plopped down on his chair "oh I'm sorry, you just looked so precious I couldn't bare to wake you up" wilbur apologized half heartedly "don't call me precious, I'm not a baby, I'm a big man!" Tommy yelled causing Techno to smirk "A big man who still sleeps with a teddy bear" He teased as Wilbur placed two plates of pancakes in front of them "his name is Henry and he's a cow, thank you very much" Tommy corrected briefly before wolfing down his pancakes like he hadn't eaten in months.

This was the perfect time to confront Wilbur about his weird behavior,

"Hey, Wil, who do you think stole the blade" Techno asked casually as he played with the pancakes on his plate idly. Wilbur's grip on his fork tightened until his knuckles turned white but his bright expression was unmoving "oh, I don't think it was stolen...perhaps the cleaners simply lost it or something, foolish is known for being quite the airhead..." Techno let out a low hum. That was technically a possibility...if a bit unlikely.

"That's dumb, Wilbur!" Tommy interjected "they don't take the blade out to clean it they just clean it where it is" Wilbur tilted his head inquisitively "and how do you know that?" "I know because I saw Sam while he was cleaning the statue and he let me use the hose for a bit, he's a pretty awesome dude" Techno's eyebrow raised as he turned his attention back to Wilbur "hm...well then it's hard to say who could've committed such a heinous one I know would do such a thing" Wilbur deflected.

"I think I know someone who would"

Wilbur stiffened before his widened eyes fell on Techno "....what are you insinuating?" the man simply shrugged as he stuffed a pancake in his mouth "I hope you aren't thinking that I would do such a thing, I wouldn't dream of it!" Techno just remained silent and let Wilbur talk himself into a corner. Strange, that's usually what Tommy does "do you even have any evidence for your claims? Honestly it's ridiculous-" "Wilbur shut up you've been rambling for like fifty years" Tommy interrupted "Oh...sorry um, please ignore my thoughtless ramblings"

Techno, in fact, did not do that.

"Jumpin' to conclusions like that isn't like you, Wilbur" Techno pointed out as he pointed the prongs of his fork at the man "you would've said "really? Who?" Instead of immediately thinkin' I was talkin' about you" Wilbur stared at the food on his plate for a moment before he stood up and straightened his light yellow turtleneck sweater as he cleared his throat "I'm sorry everyone I have a book that is about to be overdue, goodbye" he said but before he could leave Tommy popped up from his seat and rushed to Wilbur's side, pulling on his sleeve in an attempt to make him stay longer "but Wilbur you promised you would help me in my garden after breakfast!"

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