just one more time

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Wilbur sat in his bed staring at the ceiling silently. He didn't bother to get up and get dressed for the day he had far too much on his mind to worry about that.

He went over the events of the night of the blood moon over and over in his mind and carefully brushed his fingers over where Schlatt had kissed him. He developed a blush on his face almost immediately as he carried out this action before realizing he was swooning and stopping the behavior immediately.

Why was he feeling like this? He could admit Schlatt was an attractive....deity but swooning over him?? That was much too far. He was already walking a thin line by previously worshiping Jschlatt instead of Dream but developing feelings would guarantee he wouldn't get into heaven. He still had a chance, he couldn't screw it up.

So he waited.

And waited.

He thought if he waited long enough his feelings would simply disappear into thin air but...even after he was nearing two weeks he could still feel a strong attraction to him. If anything it got stronger and eventually developed into a horrible yearning. He longed to speak with him again he didn't know what he wanted to say but he knew he wanted to be in his presence. That was the only way the unbearable ache in his heart would calm...But the problem was; how would they meet again? It wasn't like he could just walk down the street and see him, hell, the only reason they met in the first place was because Wilbur accidentally-....

Suddenly the idea hit him like a brick to his head.

He could summon Jschlatt.


After a while of searching through the surprisingly well-stocked library he found what he was looking for "How to Summon; Demons and Spirits" Wilbur stared at the book for an almost agonizingly long time before shoving it into his messenger bag when no one was looking. He knew stealing was frowned upon but absolutely no one could know about his plan. Everyone saw him as a polite, gentle, charming, intelligent, goody-two-shoes...what would happen to his reputation if word got out he had purchased such a book? He didn't like to think about such things...

So this had to remain a secret no matter the cost (or the absence of a cost in that case)

He quickly picked out some other random book as a cover-up and approached the counter, clutching it in his hand tightly. He had never stolen anything before so he was reasonably nervous.

The pink-haired woman working at the counter skimmed the cover and gave him a warm smile "I didn't know you were a florist" she commented briefly. He had picked up a book about flowers? Ah, what difference did it make he wasn't going to read it anyway "Ah, yes...ever since my little brother started his miniature garden in the backyard I've been interested in growing a few myself" he lied as he set down the money for purchasing the book (and some extra because he felt bad about stealing) "it was always my dream to become a florist..." She mumbled as she accepted the payment and slid the book towards him.

Wilbur tilted his head with a slight pout "why did you give up on it? I think you would make a wonderful florist" " thank you but I didn't give up on my dream, I'm still working hard to get enough money to buy a shop of my own, in fact, I was thinking the abandoned house down the road would look lovely if I added some paint, what do you think?" "You could make anything look astonishing if you tried hard enough, it's your gift" he complimented as he began to shift anxiously. The longer they conversed the more Wilbur would worry about if the stolen book was visible or not.

"-don't you think?" That phrase snapped him out of his momentary trance only to make him realize he had no idea what she had just said so he took a guess and said "Absolutely but I should get going uh...good luck on your flower shop" he said with a cheerful wave as he left the shop "have a nice day! Oh, and thank you for the tip!" She called after him.

As soon as he was out of sight he dropped his smile. He couldn't believe he managed to pull that off.

He then looked around and flipped to the correct page.

"Materials needed: salt, candles (5), a holy dagger, and a Bible"

He frowned. He already had most of that stuff but what was a holy dagger? The only thing that could fit that description was the blade held in the hands of the Dream statue back at the church but was he really going to go that fa-

Yes. Yes, he was.

Of course, he could just stop and return the stolen book with an excuse like "I found this laying on the ground" but then he would never stop the constant yearning that was driving him mad. It was selfish, he knew that, but strangely enough, he didn't care...

So he continued onward.

He placed the book back into his bag and calmly walked towards the church once again. Once he caught sight of it memories flooded his mind of Schlatt mercilessly yanking him forwards by his necklace and kissing him on the neck. The thoughts made him swoon before he shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind "focus!" He reminded himself before approaching the Dream statue in the middle of the courtyard, standing tall as if he was protecting the building. An XD was beautifully carved into his mask and his long robes hid most of his figure but what Wilbur was interested in was what lied in his hands.

There, cupped in both of his hands lied the holy blade. It was a beautiful silver color (as most blades were) with a purple handle and in the center of it was a shimmering red ruby. It gleamed in the remaining light of the setting sun only making it appear more enchanting to him. It was less of a blade and more of a dagger in Wilbur's opinion but either way, he needed it so he placed his hands on the tip of the handle and gently slid the blade from its place. It slid out with a satisfying shing! Noise.

It fit so perfectly into Wilbur's hand, weighted faultlessly, and sharpened to quintessence. He almost wanted to continue holding it forever but he forced himself to hide it away in his bag before anyone saw he had taken it from its rightful place then he began the walk back to his house, a slight bounce in his step.

He was getting excited.


He sprinkled the salt on the floor in a pentagram formation then placed his Bible in the middle, sprinkling the remaining salt on it as instructed. He placed a candle on each of the points then grabbed his box of matches and lit them one by one. The candlelight was the only source of lighting in his entire room at that point other than the dim moonlight that had been his source of light up until that point.

He picked up the book again to read the next step then grabbed the holy blade and positioned it in his palm. He took in a deep breath, braced himself, and slashed his palm open in one sudden motion. His blood oozed upon the book hastily but to Wilbur's dismay...

Absolutely nothing happened.

He read and re-read the page over and over but that was all it said.

He then switched his attention to his blood-covered palm.

Had he seriously done all of this for nothing?

...Then he remembered who he was trying to summon.

It wasn't just any demon it was the king himself so certain...requirements had to be met for him to arrive.

Wilbur looked at his cut hand before kneeling down, breathing in, and placing his palm on the book sprinkled in salt. It burned awfully, so bad tears almost spilled down his face but he kept his hand still "Please, Jschlatt...return to the overworld and greet this unworthy being once more...please answer to my pathetic pleads!" He begged as his hand began to shake involuntary from the amount of pain he was forcing himself to endure.

Then the candle's flames began to grow to an almost impossible size while the circle of salt brightened into a dazzling shade of red. Wilbur finally took his hand away revealing a bloody handprint.

A familiar voice then echoed through the wind as his windows slammed shut.

"You pitiful little thing, how could I resist when you put it like that?"

Wilbur's breath hitched.


It was all worth it.

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕞𝕖 ♡ (𝕊𝕔𝕙𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕓𝕦𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now