Chapter - 五

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After Tanjiro was led up the mountain by Urokodaki, the old man met up with me a bit further from his house in a small clearing

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After Tanjiro was led up the mountain by Urokodaki, the old man met up with me a bit further from his house in a small clearing. I watched the older male walk over, his red tengu mask concealing his face.

"I do not see any reason for you to enter final selection, I have asked the master if you would be able to become a demon slayer." He stated while I got up from my position on the ground.

"I don't see it necessary for me to join the demon slayer core sir, I'm simply here to complete my mission," I replied, however I did see some upsides to joining. The demon slayer core has a couple hundred personnel, at least more then there are jujutsu sorcerers, so I could gather information on where the fingers were easier. It also just overall intrigued me, so I had made my decision.

"However, if the master sees fit I would be more then happy to join their ranks," I said politely, bowing slightly.

'I'm never even this polite to the elders geez, I've gone soft and it hasn't even been a week!'

"Until he replies, you are welcome to stay and train here," He finished, walking away, I'm assuming to wait for Tanjiro to return.

"What do I even train?" I mumbled to myself, trying to think of something. I could try total concentration, but I don't have any clue on how to do it. I sat back down, trying to remember if there was anything else about the breathing technique in the old files.

"Eh I'll just ask Urokodaki," I shrugged, standing back up to jump back through the trees to find the masked man. But before I could leave, there was a small girl's voice.

"You expand your lungs, and bring lots of air to your blood stream. Your blood gets excited, goes faster through your body and your temperature spikes, increasing your physical abilities," and that was all the mysterious voice said, as the fog disappeared with it.

Well, that's not something that happens everyday.

'was that a curse giving me advice or something?'

'I have no fucking idea but I could sense something there'

'what the lizard said, you weren't alone'

'fucking spooky bitch,'

I jumped back into the trees and left to Urokodaki's house as sunlight peeked over the mountains, covering the land. But now with a good idea on how to use total concentration breathing.

 But now with a good idea on how to use total concentration breathing

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Timeskip to a month later~

I watched the clouds as they danced by, the trees swaying to the wind. Sunlight showered the land, the only refuge being the occasional shade you would come across.

'It's never this peaceful back in my time thanks to the higher-ups and Satoru'

'And you would need to bring me out more often, it was exhausting'

'Peaceful moments are boring. let me out'

'Not happening Sukuna, go fuck yourself'

"Kira, come here!" I heard Urokodaki say, bursting me out of my argument with the king of curses.

"yeah yeah, I'm coming!" I replied, jumping down from my perch in the treetops and running down the mountain, avoiding all the traps effortlessly.

"what'cha doing here Emi?" asked Tanjiro as I walked past him. he just finished with his lung training, he would dunk his head in water and hold his breath for as long as he could, expanding his lungs. water was dripping from his hair,causing it to fall across his head and drops were slowly making their way down his face.

'ah fuuuckkkkk'

I could feel the heat blossoming across my face, I prayed to whatever fucking god there was that Tanjiro couldn't somehow see.

"Urokodaki called me..? I could've sworn I heard him..." I mumbled, while Tanjiro looke at me with surprise writte across his face clearly.

"h-how did you hear him? you w-were at the t-top of the mountain somewhere right?" he stuttered, surprisied that I could hear that from so far away.

"I've had exceptioal hearing since I was born, Tobi and training got it as far as possible, but it really isn't very useful in crowded places" I stated, rubbng the back of my neck. I didn't really think it was anything special, but that was probably different when you weren't surrounded by people who had grown accustomed to it. the first years were the same when they first found out, thinking back on it.

"anyway, I'll see you later Tanjiro, better have mastered water breathing by the time I get back!" I cheered, walking towards the hut while Urokodaki waited at the door with a crow on his shoulder.

"Kira your letter from the master has arrived" said the old man as I sat down, passing me a piece of paper. I opened up the carefully rolled parchment, reading through the letter.

'Sakonji Urokodaki, I would be glad to have Kira join our ranks, however I would like for her to explain her situation in person and stay at headquarters. Our kakushi are already starting work on her uniform as I'm writing this and the crow delivering this will be hers and will direct her to headquarters.'

'Hope you are doing well, Kagaya Ubuyashiki'

I placed the paper down, and looked straight at Urokodaki, the man who had been taking care of Tanjiro, Nezuko and I for the last month. "Thank you for everything Urokodaki, I greatly appreciate it. I'd better start getting ready to leave" I said as I stood up, a small smile on my face.

I walked into the room, making sure I was quiet to not wake up Nezuko, even though she probably wouldn't from a little noise since it's been a month and she hasn't woken up once. I stepped around her futon carefully and grabbed the backpack filled with my stuff, making sure I had everything.

'At least she isn't dead and she shouldn't die either, being a demon and all has some perks huh?'

I said goodbye to Tanjiro, before following after my crow while it flew across the sky, the morning turning into afternoon, nightime coming closer with every second that passed.

I said goodbye to Tanjiro, before following after my crow while it flew across the sky, the morning turning into afternoon, nightime coming closer with every second that passed

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- her crow has white feathers along his back that make the shape of a snake

- Tanjiro could smell that Emi was flustered but he couldn't figure out why

- if she listens closely, Emi can understand most of the animal kingdom

-Tobi hates dogs and refuses to ever go near one and Emi is the same with bugs, finding them absolutely disgusting mostly spiders and cockroaches

-the three of them (nezuko, Emi & Tanjiro) all share a room but Emi sleeps elsewhere because she doesn't want to disturb Tanjiro

☾ ♔ 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙴𝚁𝙰 𝙾𝙵 𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 ♔ ☽ (jujutsu kaisen oc x demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now