Chapter - 六

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I had been travelling for a day, keeping at a steady pace while my crow guided me to the demon slayer headquarters

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I had been travelling for a day, keeping at a steady pace while my crow guided me to the demon slayer headquarters. I stopped running, sensing something nearby.

"somebody there? or do I just need to come to you?" I asked the darkness, not being able to see anything since it was hiding in the greenery. I couldn't hear any breathing or a heartbeat, but judging by the vibrations coming off it, whatever it was had a more humane shape.

"Your fighting spirit is weak, but it's like there is more to it," It said, emerging from the foliage. He had cyan markings along his body, skin a pale colour, almost white. His eyes were a bright yellow, with the kanji 'upper three' engraved on them, where the whites of his eyes were supposed to be was a pattern similar to that of a butterfly's wings. He had short pink hair like Itadori and was wearing a shorter pink haori paired with white pants that were cuffed at the ankles with pink beads, his chest and stomach revealed thanks to the lack of a shirt.

'crap, hot'

"what's your name? I'm Akaza," he introduced, and I recognised his name. One of the hashira kept a journal of everything that happened, I didn't read it all but somewhere mentioned Akaza. For now I would play it dumb, the elders forbid me from tampering with anything because of the butterfly effect and unfortunately Akaza would probably have some significance in the future.

"I'm Emi and not to sound rude but aren't you going to try and kill me?" I asked, genuinely curious to why he wasn't attacking. I could sense his bloodlust, he was holding it back for some reason. I made a little shield surrounding me of cursed energy in case he did decide to attack, not that it would do much, but if this guy got a good punch in, I would probably end up passed out or too tired to complete my journey to headquarters tomorrow.

"I don't normally attack women, but also because I'm curious. You're human, yet your energy is similar to that of a demon." He stated, and telling the truth.

I sighed, 'first time somebody realised I wasn't a demon'

"I don't believe that's any of your business, don't want Muzan to know too much, now do we?" I replied confidently, surprising the demon. I knew that he would report back to him regardless if he knew I was a sorcerer or not and if he found out my last name, assuming that muzan knew my ancestor, I would probably end up causing a butterfly effect.

"Are you some kind of demon and human crossbreed that isn't under the master's curse? Is that how your energy is so strange?" he queried and i gave him a blank stare in return.

"Is that even possible? but no, that isn't my case, but you should probably go, the sun's going to rise soo-" I was interrupte by Akaza suddenly charging at me at a blinding speed, aiming a punch slightly to the left of me.

I quickly jumped to the right, but his punch got me, cutting my hand off. I bit down on my tongue as I coughed up a small amount of blood, that one was going to take a while to heal. I grabbed the hilt of my blade to start deflecting his attacks with ease, with only a small scratch here or there. I continued to stall, waiting for the sun to rise and for Akaza to hopefully leave.

"bro, please just leave so I can heal my hand already, and if you don't I'll just stall until the sun comes" I complained, causing him to hesitate for a few seconds, both of us just standing there. I could basically see how conflicted his thoughts were.

'mention Koyuki, that should make him back off'

'If this guy tries to kill me because of you, I will kill you'

'I wanna do it!'


'the honour is yours'

I summoned Tobi, appearing behind Akaza in a puff of smoke. His presence erased, he bent down to his head level, and whispered in his ears, causing the demon to visibly stiffen up. I could read his feelings like an open book as a few of his memories should've been coming back to him now.

Then he looked over towards me as if he came to some sort of realisation. "I see now, I'll see you around, Emi" with a slightly disturbing smile, mostly because of the genuine happiness behind it.

'What the fuck did you do?'

'I did nothing!'

'He said that Koyuki wouldn't be happy with him!"

'And you called me a child?'

'I can only imagine what ideas you gave him with that. did you see his smile?!'

'Don't pretend to be disappointed, you thought he was hot'

'He is, I'm not gonna deny that but going, "woohoo demon!" isn't happening!'

The mental arguments continued as I walked onward as the sun rose into the sky. I hid my regenerating hand in a pocket so anybody passing by wouldn't be concerned by either the fact I was missing a hand or that it was growing back.

sorry for the shorter chapter! I just felt that if I tried to include everything that will happen when she reaches headquarters, this would be one really fucking long chapter that I could just split into shorter parts

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sorry for the shorter chapter! I just felt that if I tried to include everything that will happen when she reaches headquarters, this would be one really fucking long chapter that I could just split into shorter parts. And no taisho era secrets for now, because as this current moment I don't know what to write nor can simply be bothered writing more.

Hope you all have a wonderful day, stay safe and drink some water! :D

☾ ♔ 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙴𝚁𝙰 𝙾𝙵 𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 ♔ ☽ (jujutsu kaisen oc x demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now