Its 10am

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When I heard my alarm I was the same as Nick this morning. I really didn't want to get up. Not because it was early in the morning, but because I would have to face Nick again today. So I turned off my alarm, got up, slipped on some slipper, put my hood up, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. That when I realized that Celeste had texted me to see if I wanted to walk to class together. I thanked the lords that she was such a good friend so I told her yes and basically sprinted down to her room. When I got there I knocked on the door and she answered with her book bag in hand as well.

"Hey Y/n! What were you doing for the past couple of hours?!" She asked trying to brighten the mood as we walked.

I laughed a little at her and said "Do you really have to ask? I of course was watching anime."

"Okay, but what anime in particular?" She said after we made our way out of the dorms and towards the building for our class.

"Well I watched some of Black Clover, then I watched some of what I was lacking on watching of Dr.Stone." I said as we had made it to the building that wasn't that far from the dorms.

As we entered the building and made our way into the classroom I asked for Celeste to sit with me in the back. We always sat in the middle, but today I really didn't want to be noticed so I sat in the back. As we took our seats I didn't scan the room and immediately tried to busy myself on my phone. I slid my AirPods in and laid my head on my desk face my towards Celeste and away from the door. It wasn't 20 minutes before Celeste tapped me on the shoulder. I took out my earbuds and looked at her confused. She pointed to the door and I turned to look and there stood Nick. He was looking right down at me and smiled.

Then he placed a slip of paper on my desk and I looked up at him confused he only said "This better have your phone number on it by the end of class."

Then he walked away and winked at me to go sit at the front with him and his football friends. I sat there in shock and looked over to Celeste to see what her reaction was. She only looked the same as I did and more confused.

She then whispered to me "Damn did you fuck him that good?!"

I almost burst out laughing and had to put my hands over my mouth. I then slapped her shoulder and jotted down my phone number on the paper and left it on my desk. That's when the teacher had arrived to the class. I sat up, put away everything and was ready to study to my best ability even though I couldn't think about anything other than what Nick did earlier. When class was over we were all getting up. I could feel Nicks eyes on me as soon as I stood up. I looked at the paper on the table and back to him and winked before Celeste and I left the room.

When we were out of the building I was freaking out. Celeste could tell because she slung an arm around my shoulder as we walked back to the dorms. We both didn't have any other classes today so we decided to have lunch at my room and watch anime together. As we got into my room I felt a buzz on my phone. I pulled it out and it was an unknown number.


Hey is this Y/n?

Yes it is, I assume this is Nick?

Yes you are in fact correct. Thx for the number

Why did you want my number anyway?

Um isn't that obvious?

Not really. Just thought you needed answers for that class exam tomorrow

Please tell me you're fucking with me

I mean we did do that last night so I technically was

Shut the fuck up lol

I don't think you wanted me to do that in bed last night

You aren't wrong 😈

Not the emoji...

What's wrong with the emoji?

Bro that shits so cringe 😬

Shut up. Anyway what are you planning for the rest of the day?

Hanging out with my friend Celeste and watching anime. Why?

Yo I didn't know I was talking to a cool girl here. I also like anime

That's cool! Didn't really answer my question though 🙄

Sorry sorry lol. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out and go to dinner tonight?

Interesting as I didn't think you gave a shit and only wanted a quick fuck, but sure

I'm going to ignore that... I want you to meet me at the fountain at 6 ok?


I had been texting Nick the entire time Celeste had been here and she was giving me pointers on what to respond with. I was genuinely so shocked that he gave a shit. I thought after we fucked he was just being nice because he didn't want to seem like a douche, but I never imagined him getting even more nice. So when he sent these messages I got really flustered. All of the crush feelings I had felt all of last year started to come back and even though I wanted them to go away, since he was being so nice I was giving into them just a little.

"So what are you going to wear?" Celeste said hanging her head off the bed.

I looked up to her from where I sat on the floor and said "ummmm... I actually don't know... I don't have that many good clothes for dates... I only rly planned to party, watch anime, fuck people, and go to classes..."

Celeste rolled her eyes at me and walked over to my drawer full of clothes. After rummaging around a little bit she had seemed to find the perfect outfit and laid it down on my bed. It was a velvet button up skirt, and a nice thin turtle neck.

I looked over to Celeste in confusion and said "how the hell did you find this? I didn't even know I had these clothes."

She chuckled a little and said "I know my magic. Out of the both of us I've been on the most dates."

"Okay okay you got me there." I said rolling my eyes.

After another couple more hours of watching anime with Celeste she headed back to her dorm. When she left I sat on my bed wondering what Nick even had in store when it came to the kind of dinner he would take me to, nonetheless I grabbed the clothes, put them on and made my way to the fountain.

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