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Warning ⚠️: Smut, drinking (a small amount)

Weeks had passed at this point. Things had been sort of rough though during this time. I had spent all week planning and decorating with Lindsay for today. So that meant that I hadn't been able to see Nick that much at all. Most of the times we would talk would be during class, and on the phone. I wasn't complaining in the slightest, but it would be a relief to finally see him outside of that.

That's why today is so special. After setting everything up for prom every day for the past week, I was able to finally see him. Which made it scary though is that he had something seriously important to tell me. So I was just going to meet him in front of the fountain like usual. When I arrived I seen him sitting there with who looked to be Clay and Luke. I was a little confused, but walked up anyway.

As I got there Luke waved to me and said "oh hey Y/n!"

Nick then turned around and when he seen me he smiled and quickly engulfed me in a hug like we hadn't seen each-other in forever. I laughed a bit and when he let go he planted a kiss on my cheek. It made my face flush, but even so I was here on a mission to get asked a "serious question" according to Nick.

"Okay Y/n..." Nick said before I could get a word in from him staring to get antsy.

Clay and Luke stood there with reassuring smiles and I looked at them in confusion. Then that's when Nick pulled a large paper out from behind Clays back and held it out for me to look at. When I realized what was going on I began to smile and laugh.

"This is so cringe you know that right?!" I said laughing at the really cute sign.

"Yes I know that, but still will you go to prom with me?" He said with the quirked up eyebrow he usually does in anticipation.

"Of course you fucking idiot!" I said smiling and moved in for a kiss.

He locked his lips with mine as Clay and Luke gave us a little applause in the background. It made me a little embarrassed and Nick laughed at the reaction I had. When we parted Clay and Luke only got louder. At that point I rolled my eyes and attached myself to Nick putting my face in his shirt to hide the embarrassment. This only made Nick laugh more and hugged me a bit.

"So since this is tonight I was wondering if you had any plans besides the prom?" He said in a suggestive tone.

I lifted my head and seen that Clay and Luke were gone now so I said "What's on your mind?"

"Oh you know some late night Ihop before we go!" He said smiling down at me.

My eyes widened at the suggestion. To be honest I hadn't had Ihop in forever and was so down. I genuinely thought that he was going to ask to fuck, but this seemed a lot more intriguing. It made me smile as Nick really did get me.

"Thank you..." I said staring up at him.

His face twisted to confusion and he said "Why are you thanking me?"

"You get me. I thank you for that." I said laying my head into his chest.

He only hummed in response and we sat down at the fountain for a while enjoying each others time.


It was about to be time to head out and meet Nick for Ihop. The only problem is that I had again run into a dilemma on what to wear. I could either dress slutty which was most of my "party" outfits or I could plead to Lindsay or Celeste until they gave me their clothes.

After going through my closet 50 times and still finding nothing I quickly called Celeste to come to my room. It only took her 5 minutes and she was banging at my door.

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