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When I made my way over to the fountain I seen him sitting there. He was messing around on his phone and not paying too much mind to me when I walked up. So I took a seat on the fountain edge with him and he took his gaze away from the phone to look at me.

"Hey Y/n. You look good!" He said slipping his phone in his pocket.

"Thanks. Um where are we going exactly? Just kinda told me to meet you here..." I said laughing a little.

"Sorry... I planned on us going to a Greek restaurant that I found last week." He said starting to get up a bit from the fountain.

I started to stand up too and said "Alright we arnt starting half bad sir!"

He laughed a little at me and we continued walking. Once we got to the street Nick pointed to an bright orange mustang that was parked near us. I stood there in shock for a little bit because I had never expected him to have such a nice car like this.

"Okay wait... you drive that?" I said walking up to him as he held open the passenger door.

When I got in he leaned on the door a bit and said "Yup this is my baby. She goes quite fast."

He then shut my door and walked around to open the drivers and hopped in. Once he was in, door was closed, and buckled he put the key into the ignition and started it up. The car made a soothing revving sound that made me relax a bit. It reminded me of when my grandpa used to race. When we were both ready Nick drove us to the restaurant. It was a nice calming ride it was really nostalgics. As we got into the parking lot Nick put the car in park. Our conversation there wasn't much to brag about, only talking about our majors and what we were actually doing in school. Then we got out of the car and made our way into the restaurant. It was a gorgeous interiors that made me feel like I was shot straight into Europe. Our waiter seated us asked for our drinks and then was off to leave us to talk.

"So Nick I've got the million dollar question for you." I said to him to let him prepare himself.

He responded back in a confident manner "shoot."

"Well I was wondering why would you ask me out, basically, on a date? I know you were pretty against me stating that you were only in it for the sex, but I'm just not following. Are you just being nice?" I said trying to get an actual verbal response to my thoughts.

"Oh ok well... Actually you remember Junior year? You were still on prep committee and were helping out with homecoming?" He said as the waiter gave us our drinks.

They then asked us the food we were wanting to order and I looked over to Nick as I didn't know what they had here that was good. Nick seemed to notice my hesitance so he took it into his hands.

"We will both have an order of moussaka to share please and a side order of the tomatokeftedes. Thank you!" He said skimming over the menu and saying the item names is such a gorgeous accent.

I sat there and stared at him for a solid second in shock. The waiter then took our menus and we were sat there in silence. When he seen my expression wasn't moving he began to laugh a little.

"That impressed are we?" He said making fun of me being impressed by the order.

"Um yes. You literally brought out this hot ass Greek god from inside you to order food for me." I said still in a little shock.

That's when he began to laugh pretty loud. My cheeks only began to flush from the embarrassment. After he calmed down he took a sip from his drink.

"Anyway... where I left off. So you remember junior year homecoming. Well the thing is I've had an eye out for you kind of since then. I first seen you working really hard on homecoming stuff and then at the dance I couldn't stop staring." He said laughing a little in embarrassment.

There he goes again with another thing that absolutely sends me into complete shock. I can't believe he had felt the same way about me since junior year as well. What the hell have I been doing just sitting here? I could have had him last year. I feel stupid now.

"You're telling me we felt the same about each other since last year..." I said laying my head on one of my hands.

His eyes widen in shock and confusion and he says "WAIT REALLY?!"

I nod my head a bit and Nick began to laugh. The rest of the date went well surprisingly. We talked about all the times we passed by each other junior year, and delved into how we ended up in this situation. It made both of us laugh that this could have happened a year ago, but all it took was me slipping up in a meeting for this to happen now. I kind of thanked my big mouth. I don't know how long it would have taken either of us to finally get to this point if at all.

Other than that I had just began to learn more about Nick in general. I learned he was Greek and that's how he could pronounce those meals, which were amazing, in a gorgeous accent. I also learned that his family is absolutely loaded and that's why he has that car. To me though the most important and probably goofy thing about him is that he is an absolute geek. Nick is really into anime, Pokémon cards, and video games. It made me happy that we actually had something to bond over other than basic classes. So that's where the rest of the dates time went until we realized it was getting quite late.

Nick looked down at his watch and said "hey Y/n I think it's time to head out. I'll walk you back to your dorm when we get back."

I looked at him with a smile and a suggestion in mind and said "how about we drive back and I stay in your room?"

He seemed pleased by the thought and so that's what we had done. We paid for the meal, left the restaurant and drive back to the dorms. The entire ride there Nick had his hand on my thigh and it made me smile, almost feeling secure and safe. Once we had arrived Nick was speedily the first one out of the car and ran over to my side opening the door for me.

"Well thank you kind sir!" I said bowing a bit to him as I got out and onto the sidewalk.

He locked his car and stepped up with me wrapping his arm around my shoulder and we began out walk back to the frat house. Of course we had to be quiet as to not inform anyone I was here as I rly wasn't supposed to stay the night, but I doubted anyone would care. When we got up to his room he sat on his side of the bed and took off his shoes and I took off mine. Then he got up rummaging through his drawers and picked out some clothes. Before I could even ask a set of shorts and a hoodie were thrown at my face. I laughed a little and stood up beginning to take off my clothes to change.

That's when I stopped as soon as I felt eyes staring holes into my sole. When I turned around sure enough it was Nick staring at me like I was a piece of art. It made me blush a little bit and then he got up off of the bed walking towards me. Still with my shirt off he put a hand on my cheek and moved his face close and we had a quick kiss. When we parted he took the hoodie from my hands and motioned for me to put my hands up so he could put it on me. I laughed a little at the domestics of this, but I wasn't going to complain.

As soon as I got my head through the whole in the hoodie Nick brought out lips together again for another kiss. When we disconnected that time I only stood there smiling at him. Of course he was doing the same thing back at me. After some staring I changed into the rest of the clothes Nick gave me and I was in bed under the blankets. Nick on the other hand was beginning to strip to put on new clothes and all I could do was stare. God how did I get so luck?!

When Nick was done he flipped the covers open and got in next to me. I flipped around so that I could see his face and he smiled at me as I laid there. The rest of the night was spent cuddling and getting to know each other even more. I loved this and honestly didn't know how I had lived without it for so long. Feeling safe and free to be myself felt so refreshing. Before I knew it though I was knocked out cold in Nicks arms dreaming of how the rest of this year would go.

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