Frat Party

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Contains: drinking & smut

When it had finally hit 11:00pm it was time to head out and find Celeste. At this point I was already a little out of it. I drank a little bit more and was very close to ignoring the party tonight and hiding in my room. That was until I got a text from Celeste that she was excited to go. This was only her second party ever and it was at a frat house nonetheless. I couldn't strip away her fun just because I said something dumb during the meeting earlier today. So I got on a skin tight black dress with some converse as I never wore heels and grabbed my phone. Once I was out of the room I took the elevator a couple floors down and kindly knocked on Celeste's door. I could hear rusting and then it opened. Out walked a red headed bombshell wearing a deep green dress and gorgeous heals. If only Celeste wasn't horridly straight I would have snatched this girl up and pinned her to a bed.

"Oh my god... you look absolutely stunning..." I said jaw nearly on the floor.

"Thanks..." she said shyly back.

I then linked my arm with hers and we were both on our way down and out to the frat house party. When we had arrived at the front door one of the guys I knew last year Jax was standing outside with solo cup in hand. I quickly waved to him and he waved back and Celeste and I were on our way inside. As we entered the door it smelt of drugs, alcohol, and sweat all trapped in this body filled room. I couldn't explain the sent exactly, but all I knew is I was about to get fucked up tonight. I finally then let go of Celeste's arm and asked her what she wanted to drink. She told me a vodka cranberry and I was on my way to the make shift bar.

As I walked up to the bar a couple of guys and a girl were circling around it. I paid no mind to them and grabbed Celeste and I's drinks. When I turned around making my way back I could feel eyes staring holes into the back of my head. I was too scared to turn around and confront it so I just took a big swig and gave Celeste hers. She was a light weight so I knew that she would prefer more cranberry than anything in her drink. It even made me laugh at how much she knew she was a light weight when I caught her taking light sips from the cup as we walked around the room.

Time went on, more and more drinks entered my system, and I became more confident in myself. At that point I was dancing on everyone while the music was blaring, playing beer pong with some of the boys, and singing karaoke with Celeste and the other girls there. There was a moment though that I could just feel eyes on me. Of course everyone was looking at us girls wilding out drunk as fuck, but more specifically I felt eyes on me. When I stopped for a second to catch my breath and go get another drink I turned around, bumped into, and looked up to be faced with Nick looming over me.

"Sorry about that!" I said beginning to move out of his way ignoring the feeling of embarrassment and walked towards the kitchen to get more drinks.

When I walked in I didn't see anyone else loitering in there or making out, so I took a deep breath to chill out from the excitement. As I did I heard the swinging door open and in walked Nick. I was a little confused because I had just bumped into him earlier, but I just assumed he was in here to do the same as I was. I was wrong though as he approached me, leaning against an island, and stood looming above me again. This time though it was a lot more intimate and the vibe was completely different than our previous meeting.

He spoke up first saying "So... You said I was hot today huh? I heard from a little birdie that someone got real embarrassed and ran off."

My eyes widened a bit as he began moving closer and putting his hands on the counter top to hold me in place. Heat began to rise to my face both at him basically pinning me to the counter and the comment.

I averted my gaze and said "Um... I-..."

Nick took one of his hands off the island and used it to lift my chin up so that I would look at him. When my face was moved up I made immediate eye contact with him. There was so much lust and hunger in his eyes. I was melting just standing under his intense gaze.

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