Prep Committee

403 9 1

Contains: small amounts of drinking

When I was done with my final class of the day I let out a relieved sigh. I was ready to go back to the dorms chuck my shoes off and watch anime the rest of the day. I had also found out that at the fraternity there was going to be a party. I asked some of my friends if they wanted to go and my friend Celeste said that she would join me. I was so excited to watch anime, go get drunk, and spend the rest of the night passed out funk in my room. As I was just getting excited though I realized I still had that prom meeting to go to. I groaned at the disturbing news and looked at the time.

I had around 25minutes before I had to go so I walked over to my mini fridge, grabbed my mini fireball shots and swigged one down quick. I might as well start drinking now. I grabbed my phone again and walked over to the common meeting area where we would have the meeting. I sat down in a chair on the outskirts of the room because everyone else had taken other chairs around the room in groups. That was when my RA, Lindsay, had walked in with a hand full of clipboards and books. When she reached a little desk at the front of the room she sat everything down and got everyone's attention. That's when I took my attention from my phone and browsed around the room. I made an interesting observation and that was Luke one of Nicks best friends sitting with some other popular people in a group near the front. I ignored the thoughts that tried making their way back into my head from earlier and looked over to Lindsey.

"Okay everyone! I'm here to talk to you about planning what we're going to do for prom in the next coming weeks. We already have the theme, time, and location chosen and all we are missing is decoration helpers." She said shuffling through papers.

A couple of people looked around trying to figure out if they were gonna have time to help. I just sat there leaning back in my chair because I knew no matter what, even if I was dying, Lindsey would make me help anyway.

"Hey Linds, would it be fine if I got Nick, Karl and Clay to help?" Luke said having his phone out possibly asking if they were free.

"Yeah that works out just fine!" Lindsey said marking down their names.

A random girl who I assumed was off of the cheer team perked up and said "I'll go too. Nick is pretty hot wouldn't want to risk not being able to help."

"You know it." Came straight from my mouth.

As soon as I realized what I did, I stood there in shock. I put my hands over my mouth and people, more specifically Luke had turned around to look at me. I looked over to Lindsay for help and she only tipped her head towards the door and mouthed 'GO'. I took that as a sure as hell cue to get up from the chair I sat in moved out of the room and seen myself out.

I ran out of the door so quick and walked down the hall and out the door. I couldn't believe that I just in front of one of Nicks best friends implied he was hot. There was definitely heat rising to my face as I walked back to the dorms, I went all the way up the stairs and straight to my room. Even though I knew that the party wasn't going to be until later tonight it wouldn't be any harm than to grab another fire ball shot and weep my embarrassment out into my pillows.

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