Chapter 36: To Isengard, To Isengard, gard, gard,gard

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We come to a hill. Looking over it we see Mordor. It was so much closer than I felt comfortable with. I feel Legolas wrap his arms around my waist tighter. I relax slightly. Gandalf then speaks up.

"Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift." His voice is coated with worry "The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-Earth is about to begin. All our hopes now lie with two little hobbits. Somewhere in the wilderness." He finishes.

"Frodo and Sam hold the fate of our world in their hands. We can only hope that they finish their task swiftly and safely. I still feel bad for not going with them, and that I forgot to shove some extra sandwiches in their pack." I say feeling completely stupid afterward.

"You're so thoughtful Nymira, don't feel foolish for it." Gandalf says smiling at me. I nod in thanks. We proceed towards Isengard. Eventually, we come to a thick forest. We are surrounded by the trees of Fangorn Forest once again.

"Nymira, sing us a tune why don't you lass? Brighten the mood a little?" Gimli says from behind me. I laugh.

"Are you sure you want a song from my loopy brain?" I ask still laughing. A chorus of yes's ring out. I remember a song I loved from my other world and I begin to whistle softly.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne'er a fear of drowning

And gladly ride the waves of life

If you would marry me."

I sing slowly as I hold Legolas's hand across my stomach. I turn slightly to Legolas and look at him, he smiles as I continue.

"No scorching sun nor freezing cold

Will stop me on my journey

If you will promise me your heart

And love me for eternity."

I turn around completely and sing directly to Legolas.

"My dearest one, my darling dear

Your mighty words astound me

But I've no need for mighty deeds

When I feel your arms around me."

Legolas laughs as I hug him.

"But I would bring you rings of gold

I'd even sing you poetry

And I would keep you from all harm

If you would stay beside me."

I swing our hands back and forth for a bit, making him laugh even more.

"I have no use for rings of gold

I care not for your poetry

I only want your hand to hold

I only want you near me."

I suddenly fly up and start dancing around in the air.

"To love and kiss to sweetly hold

For the dancing and the dreaming

Through all life's sorrows

And delights

I'll keep your laugh inside me."

I speed up the song at this point. The others laugh as I dance around their heads.

"I'll swim and sail on savage seas

With ne'er a fear of drowning

I'd gladly ride the waves of life

If you would marry me!"

I sing loudly and spin in the air as I hold the last note for a long time before I cut off and fly back to Legolas.

"Am I supposed to take that as a proposal?" He asks me nuzzling my neck.

"But hun, I haven't even got the rings yet." I say in fake shock. Everyone laughs.

"Well done lass, that was brilliant." Gimli says a few seconds later clapping. I bow in my spot on Shadowpaw. The wolf pricks up his ears.

"Hold up, Shadowpaw hears something." I say making a signal for silence.

"It's good. Definitely from the Shire." I hear faintly through the trees.

"I hear hobbits." I say smiling and urging Shadowpaw forwards.

"Whoa!" Legolas yells behind me as Shadowpaw surges forwards. The others quickly follow my lead.

"Longbottom Leaf, eh?" I hear through the trees. The voices get clearer the closer we get. "I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon..." I hear Pippin say.

"Hmm, Green Dragon." Merry agrees.

"A mug of ale in my hand, putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day's work." Pippin says.

"Only, you've never done a hard day's work." Merry says. They burst out in laughter. Our group breaks through the trees and slows to a stop. Pippin waves at us. "Welcome, my Lords, and Lady... to Isengard!" Merry says standing and pointing to Isengard. I see Aragorn grin.

"Merry! Pip!" I squealed flying over to the two hobbits and picking them both up in a huge hug. "I missed you two so much!" I say as they hug me back tightly. I land on the broken gate of Isengard again and sit with them. Pippin offers his pipe to me and I gladly accept it "That's good." I say letting the smoke flow from my mouth.

"Nymira?" Legolas asks. I just smile and lean back happily puffing Pippin's pipe.

"You young rascals! A merry chase you've led us on, and now we find you feasting and... and smoking!" Gimli shouts. I laugh loudly the Longbottom leaf clearly getting to my head already.

"C'mon Gimbles, they're just enjoying themselves." I say sitting up and giggling. Pippin nudges me and I pass back his pipe. "You better save me some of that, it's good stuff." I say smiling. Merry nods smiling at me.

"We are sitting on the field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good." Pippin says.

"Salted pork?" Gimli asks smiling. Pippin nods his head.

"Hobbits." Gandalf says irritated.

"Calm down grandpa. They're having a bit of fun. Leave them be." I say as Pippin hands me his pipe again.

"They're being a bad influence on you. And you are much older than them." Gandalf says dismissively.

"We're under orders from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Merry says nonchalantly. I smile.

"In that case, I would like to see my old friend again. Pippin, you are riding with me, since I don't think Merry would like me using his pipe." I say smiling. Pippin and Merry nod. I pick them up quickly and drop Merry off with Èomer and then fly back onto Shadowpaw's saddle in front of Legolas.

"Nymira, you never told me you smoked." Legolas says sounding a tad bit annoyed.

"Well, you were gonna find out sooner or later." I say stirring Shadowpaw towards Orthanc.

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