" Do it just like it's your birthday"

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Vivian got close to me...

I closed my eyes...
Then she...


She grabbed me by the hair and dragged me by my hair to the top of the stairs and pushed me down.

My head was felt like it was aching I put my hand on the top of my head and looked at my hand it was bleeding.

She came downstairs and dragged me back up leaving blood trails up.

Soon after I blacked out.


Taylor pov

I started hearing banging outside of my door and saw Vivian beating Zahava senseless while blood is dripping on the top of her hair.

" STOP STOP IT VIVIAN. " I cried out

"She's learned never to hurt you again. "

" I WAS LYING ALL I SAID THAT FOR WAS FOR YOU TO DATE ME. Instead of her... " I yelled out breaking down into tears


Soon after Malinda ran over to Zahava and looked at Vivian in disgust.

Malinda called the personal nurse who brought Zahava into her room and stitched her head back while icing her face from the bruises.

A few hours later the nurse left and Zahava rested in her bed for the rest of the night.

— time skip to the morning and back to Zahava pov!

I woke up and my head was thumping I touched my head groaning and the memories came back.

I got up slowly and walk out to the bathroom and took a cold shower and stood in the shower thinking of everything that happened yesterday.

After my shower, I found some of my clothes that have been washed by the maids and put them on.

I went downstairs and sat at the table and the cook brought me some eggs and bacon with coffee.

I ate the bacon and drank the coffee but just played with the eggs with my fork.

Someone had tapped my shoulder it was Vivian.

" Can we talk ? " she said in a quiet voice but very firm

" I'm finished my food I'll leave the plate here, " I said ignoring Vivian

I got up and walked to my room and laid down in my bed.

Vivian came in and sat on the side of the bed

I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest.

" I'm so sorry I'm in a lot of shame for what I did please forgive me. "

" I hate you. " I said quietly

" I hope you die and never come back and imbecile. "

She looked at me in shook and walked out.

+* 2 months later

Me and Vivian still hadn't talked and i got closer and Malinda. Vivian has been very jealous and tried to get me in my good spot but it didn't work.

Today was my birthday day. The date was July 18th.
Nobody knew it was my birthday except Malinda.

I hurried and put my best dress on and some heels and did my makeup and hair as I walked out my room I saw Malinda wearing the most beautiful dress I seen with her hair tied back and gifts over filling in her hands!

" Happy birthday kiddo! " She said smiling and staring at me!

" Thank you so much! I hope today is a amazing day! "
I replied back with a smile overfilling my face.

She put my gifts in my room and we walked down stairs into the kitchen when the shift brought our French toast, bacon , eggs , waffles, and pancakes.

Vivian walked by and placed flowers next to me and note.

" Hope you enjoy your birthday. " She said nodding and walked away.

Me and Malinda smiled and ate breakfast.

At the end of breakfast I opened the note it said : Happy birthday princess, I have gift waiting for you tonight in my room. I hope you can forgive what I've done to hurt you. Happy birthday, I love you.

I smiled reading it and couldn't believe she said I love you I looked up and saw Malinda looking a little down.

" Hey you ready to go skating now? "

Me and Malinda always had a thing about skating on ice.

" Yep I'll go get the sm car car ready. "

I seen back up stairs and changed into some sweats and and plain shirt even though it was summer time It was cold in the skating rink.

I grabbed a hoodie and wrapped around my waist and went downstairs and got in car.

We drove for about 30 minutes and listened to 2016 songs that we loved. It's felt so amazing.

We got there and I put my skates on and got in the skating rink I was a little rusty but got use to it and skated like my life depended on it.

I did stunts and spins on the ice and I felt eyes on me and Malinda cheering me on.

I went take a break and a women came up to me.

" Hey. Im Mrs.Backyardigans I saw you skating and that was amazing I really wanna get you into skating as a sport. "

I was so shocked l didn't know what to say.

I pushed my hair behind my ear and took my hand for a shake.

We shook hands And smiled at each other.

"Im so sorry, I'm just in shock I'm Zahava it's very nice to meet you! I would love to take the opportunity but I'll have to talk to some people about can I get your number and discuss this over the phone? "

" Of course! Please take my business card! Leave a call and we can discuss it! "

She waved good bye and I went to Malinda and told her the news!

We got home and I quickly ran upstairs to Vivian room. I walked in on her changing. I sat in the bed.

" Any privacy? "

" Shut the hell up and I didn't say that when you took my clothes off and sexually assaulted me."

It got silent.

" Soo.. Today when I went to the skating rink with Malinda she thought i was such a amazing skater and wants to know if I can join her business. "

" so? "

" can I join it? "

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