"Good bye."

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I almost passed out from what I saw.. the guards tried pulling Taylor off of her to stop her from the cruel thing she was doing...

I ran back to my room, I can't believe what I had just seen... Where is Vivian?! I Jen wit would be problems but not this bad...

Taylor was on top of Zahava.....


Blood dripping off of Zahava's face I has frozen everything around me was going in slow motion.

Zahava looked at me and I just walked out and went outside to the bar we have beside our house.

I took shots and drank bottles I was so disappointed for leaving Zahava there. I felt alone and missed Zahava but I was ashamed of my actions.

— Zahava pov.

After some hours I went to the doctor she gave me bandages and ice packs for my bruises.

All I could think about is how Vivian walked out on me.

l knew what l had to do now. I'm so sick of her, this thing going on between us is over.

I groaned getting up and going to the bedside table I opened up the drawer and pulled out a piece of paper.

THE ESCAPE PLAN writing on the top in red.

It's time to escape. I got out my hidden phone and called my childhood best friend, turns out she had been looking for me for a year and was so happy to finally hear about me.

We shed some tears and discussed the plans, tomorrow was the last time Vivian would ever see me.

— the next day

I woke up and got a text from my childhood best friend Holly, she told me she found my location and would be there at 10 pm.

I got up and took a warm shower and put new bandages on and iced packed my head.

I went back to my room and saw Vivian on my bed with her head down she faced me with tears in her eyes.

" I'm so sorry Zahava. I was so in shock I didn't know what to do. "

I ignored her while she begged me, I started packing and putting things in my suitcase.

" what are you doing? "

I got sacred when she said that and made up a quick lie.

" This closet is a mess I'm just fixing it up. "

I felt her eyes on me and moments later the door opened and closed.

My head felt like it was spinning I felt so alone at that point. I didn't know what to feel or think.

I continued packing and hiding the bags under the bed.

An hour later l checked the time it was only 11 am so l had to do anything possible to not get caught and to make the day go faster.

I picked up my phone and called Holly after we went over the plan the final time Vivian busted through the door.

I screamed and hung the phone up Vivian grab the phone out of I had a threw it to the ground where it broke into pieces.

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