Notes and Tags

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Tags: alcohol use, marijuana use, cigarettes, smoking, reckless behaviour, lack of self preservation, anxiety issues, chronic illness, deportation, racism, the fucking Tories, ptsd, super unhealthy coping mechanisms, Down and out Draco who's friends with muggles, various OC's, enemies to lovers, angst, mentions of throwing up/vomit, mentions of suicide, mentions of panic attacks, explicit sexual content, WIP

Suggested Rating: Mature

Disclaimer: Unlike most of the things I write, this story will deal with a lot of real-world problems such as drug use, alcohol use, casual sex, suicidal idealisation and an absolute metric-fuckton of mental illness. There will also be less 'sensational' real-world problems, like poverty, capitalism, the failures of government and conservatism. 

(And also explicit sexual content but I generally get more complaints about there not being sex or not enough sex or not explicit enough sex, than there being any.)

Anyway, my hope is that despite dealing with very emotionally heavy topics, I can write about them in a light sort of way. I want to write about community and friendship and how humans, when it comes down to it, are social creatures who survive because they take care of one another and watch out for one another, even when there's nothing in it for them. Peopl who care. I want this to be a story about people who care.

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