Chapter Eighteen

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Draco took a small broken tortilla chip and dragged it along the bottom of the bowl of salsa, collecting mainly watery tomato dregs and a single sad piece of onion. A few bites left of abandoned meat pasty were sitting in the centre of an empty plate. Draco contemplated for a few brief seconds if he was better than eating half-eaten leftovers, then decided it was worth it for those particular meat pasties and popped it into his mouth.

Potter was in the living area, putting away the game boxes stacked in random, haphazard piles on the floor.

Someone had brought a packet of biscuits that was now just an empty wrapper sitting on the counter. Draco licked his fingers and pressed them into crumbs, thinking they weren't very good biscuits as he sucked them from his fingers.

"I thought you were cleaning," Potter said.

Draco glanced over at Potter, who had paused his own task to throw an annoyed look at Draco.

"I am," Draco said blandly, eating another tortilla chip.

Potter sighed and went back to his task.

Draco absently vanished the biscuit packet and dropped a few dishes into the sink. The group had ordered pizza at some point during the night and, obviously unable to come to a compromise on toppings, had just ordered cheese. He ate the last piece left in the box, cheese gone rubbery as it cooled. One of Potter's heathen friends had decided not to eat the crust, a travesty if there ever was one. On the off chance that the person in question had been Weasley, Draco used a knife to carefully cut off the chewed edge before eating the rest and vanishing the box.

"Is that everything?" Potter asked, coming up behind Draco.

"What did Luna bring?" Draco asked, scanning the counter. He couldn't imagine her bringing something as plebeian as biscuits, especially cheap biscuits; that had to have been Longbottom.

Potter stared at him for a moment too long, and Draco raised an eyebrow.

"I- Sorry. You calling her Luna-"

"It's her name," Draco said archly.

"Yeah, I was just starting to think you had to call people by their last names, like a compulsion or something," Potter said.

Draco huffed a laugh. "It's just a habit from school. I don't tend to do it with anyone new."

"Then I could call you Draco?" Potter asked.

Draco grimaced, "Fuck no."


"Can't you hear the way it sounds? Awful. I won't stand for it," Draco stepped around Potter. He went over to the couch, grabbed the remote and turned on the telly as he dropped onto the cushions.

Potter opened the fridge and grabbed something before sitting next to Draco on the couch.

"Luna brought cupcakes," Potter said, holding out a small round cake, the pale yellow frosting covered in sprinkles and edible glitter. "I saved one for you."

"You're feeding me again, Potter," Draco teased, taking the cupcake before he could change his mind. "Thank you."

"I'd never have heard the end of it if there were cupcakes and you didn't get one," Potter said. "And they're really good."

Draco peeled off the paper liner and took a bite, sighing into the taste of perfectly too sweet lemon flavoured. He smiled as he realised Luna had worn lemon earrings and a yellow dress to match her lemon cupcakes.

"So..." Potter hesitated, "are we going to talk about it?"

"If you apologise, I will murder you," Draco said.

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