Veiled Chapter 18

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Chapter: 18 When you win sometimes you lose

"Agnar!" Turid barely had enough sense not to leap out of the tree. She climbed down as fast as she could using her magic to place branches where she needed them. Once she reached the ground she ran, she put everything she had left into her legs and crossed the distance to his side quicker than anyone else could.

She fell to her knees beside him and grabbed his hand then began checking for wounds. A scream reached her ears when she noticed his stomach, she could see it. The actual organ was partially on display as well as some of his others. The scream was deafening, she turned to her mother as the woman grabbed her and shook her. The screaming sound didn't stop until her mother's hand struck her in the face, that's when she realized the screaming was coming from her. She looked up into Agnar's face. He was conscious, but white as a sheet. His eyes were staring up at the sky, but she didn't think he was seeing it.

"It's gonna be okay." She said and his eyes looked around a bit confused before landing on her face. "Momma's here, she can fix it, you'll be okay." She turned to her mother when Agnar screamed in pain.

"Do something! He's hurting momma please."

"There's nothing I can do baby." Her mother sobbed. "I can call an ambulance, but he's not going to survive long enough for it to get here." Turid's eyes widened as her mother stood. "Talk to him, try to keep him as calm as you can. Say your goodbyes baby." Her mother stood, pulled out her cellphone, and began searching for a signal. She turned back to Agnar.

"It's gonna be okay." She said again, she leaned down and kissed his forehead, he was already starting to go cold. "Momma's calling an ambulance, and your healing will kick in, you're going to be okay, you just have to hang on." He trained his eyes on her and suddenly his hold on her hand tightened. His lips began to move. She put an ear to his lips to hear what he was trying to say.

"I l-l-lo." A breath escaped his lips and he didn't immediately take another in. She jerked her head up and looked down. His eyes had slipped closed and he wasn't moving.

"Agnar, you have to open your eyes okay. Please open your eyes. Open your eyes!"

"Turid!" She turned at her father's stern voice by her side. He wrapped her in his arms and tried to pull her away from Agnar's side, she fought as hard as she could, but her father was such a large man. "He's gone baby, there's nothing more you can do." Her father was crying as he said the words. She shook her head, that was the most ridiculous thing her father had ever said. Agnar wasn't dead, she could still hear his heartbeat, granted it wasn't that strong right now but considering how injured he was it was a most beautiful sound.

"No." She said at first then began struggling harder. "No he's not dead, he's not, he's alive, I hear his heart, let me go, let me go!" She screamed. She began pushing at his arms. She wasn't sure but she thought she even hit him a few times.

"Agnar!" She looked up at the sound of Halfred's voice. "No, no no no no!" He repeated. Her father let her go when his friend fell to his knees. He knelt beside him and said something about Agnar being gone. No, she couldn't lose him, she wouldn't, she loved him far too much. She needed him, all of them did.

"No!" She screamed and ran forward. She stretched out beside him and used her magic to wrap them both in a shell of thorny vines. She could hear the others calling her name but she ignored them and snuggled into his side.

"I need you to fight now Agnar, fight harder than you have ever fought before. I love you, do you hear me? I love you with all my heart and soul, and I'm not going to lose you, not now." She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. It reminded her of when she was four years old at her grandfather's funeral. She'd wanted to kiss him goodbye, not understanding at the time exactly what death meant. She shook her head, she couldn't think that. She heard his heart. It had slowed even more, but it was still beating, and as long as it was beating she could save him. She would save him.

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