Veiled Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1: Good girls always do what daddy says

"Sweetheart eat your breakfast, starving yourself isn't going to help the Maker family at all." Her mother said from across the table. She took a bite of her toast but she wasn't really hungry. When her mother wasn't looking she shoved most of her food under the table for Rosen. Her raven ate up the bacon but ignored the eggs. She supposed it was wrong to expect a bird to eat eggs, even one like Rosen who she'd seen eating three-week-old dead deer on the side of the road.

Luckily, Cable came in and licked the floor clean. Her brother's dog would eat just about anything, even tried to eat Rosen a few times when he was younger. She looked up, her father was eyeing her with a frown and shaking his head. He wouldn't tell her momma on her though. He returned to reading the paper as if he hadn't seen it.

"Where's Kian?" She hadn't seen him since she bumped into him in the hall that morning on her way to the bathroom.

"He went next door to take Halfred and Maria some breakfast." Her mother said with slitted eyes clearly suspecting her suddenly clean plate wasn't because all the food was in her stomach.

"May I go visit Makana and Karena today?"

"Maybe this afternoon, we'll go take them dinner and you can visit them then. Now hurry up and go get your backpack ready. The bus will be here soon." Her father said and she sighed.

"I don't want to go to school, the other kids all make fun of us, they think we're some kind of cult."

"It's not that bad dear." Her mother said and she shook her head.

"Yes it is. Everyone makes fun of us because we're always together, because we all live next door to each other and because we have such weird names. Most kids are named John, Mary, Susan, Luke, George. Not Agnar, Rekon, Ginnar, Edda, and I get picked on the most."

"Turid is a beautiful name." Her mother said and she shook her head.

"No it isn't."

"Now Tur you know we didn't have much choice in the matter. Your ancestors," Her father began and she interrupted.

"I know I know daddy, I've heard the story a million times. My ancestors were Vikings, just normal everyday Vikings. One day while they were out exploring they came to an island. There was a cave with writing they'd never seen before and when they reached its center there was a bright flash of light that knocked everyone unconscious. When they woke up they could suddenly understand the writing all around them.

"It told them that the world of monsters was real, and that it was now their responsibility to protect mankind from the monsters that roam the earth. They found out later that they had special powers. They could speak to and control animals, and even call forth the forces of nature. One man and one woman were particularly powerful. With his new magics he achieved a speed unseen on the battlefield making him a fierce warrior to rival even the power of the gods. She was like a goddess of nature with her control of both the elements and animals."

"Yes that's right and do you know why your name is Turid?" Her father asked and she closed her eyes on a sigh.

"Yes, our family has always led our clan. Throughout the centuries we've become even more powerful in our magics learning things our ancestors never dreamed of. Your great great great some odd grandfather had a vision. 'And one day one will be born head of white like an old man, he shall be the rebirth of Agnar and shall be named thus. One year to the day after his birth another shall be born. She will have hair the color of the ravens and be the rebirth of their master she shall be named Turid. Together they will stop the great coming darkness, blah blah blah." She said standing. "I have no more power than any other of our clan. Just because I was born with black hair exactly one year apart from Agnar means nothing." She grabbed her backpack and headed out the door.

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