Beginning Of The Case

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Shortly after the revolution Hank decided it would be for the best if Connor stay hidden at his place and wait for things to calm down a little.

Cyberlife had a bigger problems to deal with now so they let Connor be which gave him time to think about his new life path and his own missions. Markus has already met with the world leaders and started discussing rights for androids all over the world.

Since Markus has the public support most of the people helped androids find they place in world and worked together. Some even lived together. After some months it wasn't unusual to see Android/human together as a couple. Mostly the androids that helped single parents stayed with them but soon there became more and more random couples.

Connor ends up at the place where it all began for him. In the end he decided that he wanted to do what he was designed for. He wanted to help, both humans and deviants. After discussing the matter, Hank immediately helped Connor to get back the job and took all the potential responsibility by making him his work partner.

After a year of solving cases together Connor became a valued member of the department. He and Hank specialize mainly on the deviants and red ice. They try to help the deviants and prevent them from harming somebody but homicides are still on the rise. So many people treated their androids badly and this is the first thing that happens after they deviate.

Hank is the old grumpy man he's been when they met but Connor seems to be able to uncover his caring side as well. He has a soft spot for his android buddy and tend to protect him from Gavin's bullsh*ts.

Hank was suspicious when captain Fowler called them urgently into his office. They usually solve homicides but now they were called to assist with kidnapping case. The detectives already working on the case thinking of the possibility that deviants might be behind these kidnapping and wanted Connor to help them.

"An android kidnapping humans? That plastics pricks are going to be the death of me." Hank sat behind his desk and started to read the file. "No offense, Connor." He didn't forget to glance at his partner across the see through screen for a moment.

"None taken." The androids flashes mild smile at him before his face go back to serious one. His LED turned yellow. "The connections between the victims are not clear, however, three of the last missing people work at the same place. Their job is highly classified and one of the victims was already found dead. Maybe we can start there. The third employee was report to be missing just an hour ago." As usual Connor didn't have to deal reading paper after paper like the normal human being and have already come to conclusions and found a lead.

"Uh, huh." Hank nodded looking at the papers like he could see all the information he's comming from too. "Yeah, let'get start there. The morons leading this investigation better be there too."

With some more Hank's complaints they arrived at the work place.
"Ah, lieutenant Anderson and the RK800 finally showed up!" Said an older chubby man happily. Hank knew him more than well. They graduated at the same year.

"Hello, detective Brown. My name is Connor and this is my partner, lieute-"

"Cut the crap, Connor." Hank interuptet him. "You're lucky we showed up. If I knew you lead this investigation I would've turn it down. I know you have a weird things going on about ya" He faced the detective who kept his warm smile.

"You haven't changed, Hank. Not that I'm surprised... I admit I'm fan of your Android. We tried to purchased him from Cyberlife shortly after the revolution but they were forced to set him free and he decided to work as your partner. Fascinating, isn't he? Choosing you of everyone." He eyed both of them and Connor couldn't recognize whether he was using irony or not.

"Can't help it. Follows me everywhere." Hank rolled his eyes and moved on. "So what do we have here? Why do you think it was an android?" They started walking and Jack, detective Brown, informed them about their theory. The way people went missing was so strange and neat that it made them think no human could've done that.

"It's fine, Marty, they're with me. Let us thru." As Jack said two armed officers let them entry. Connor stops in the hall and scan the area first. He always does that before joining Hank. There are some people sat on couch, possibly the suspects or witnesses. 4 humans and 3 androids-WAIT NO!

Two androids! Connor gots confused as he laid his eyes on you. Scanning you through. His LED bright red for a moment.

Something about you made him distracted. You were standing there and quietly chatting with your colleagues looking so graceful and perfect. If you were average height one could easily think you are costumed android. They're often very unique and good looking. Just like Marcus.

Connor joined Hank and detective Brown slowly, his eyes still pierced on you. He couldn't look away. All he wanted to do was approach you and get to know you.

How does your voice sound? How does you face look when you laugh?

"@#(++$...CONNOR!" Hank raised his voice a little.

"Detective Brown? I think we should interrogate colleagues first." He informed them before he looked back at you.

You Are Safe With Me (ConnorxReader) DBHWhere stories live. Discover now