✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ♛ 18

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"hello?" said the voice on the other line. a voice that wasn't his mother's. it was the voice of a man, and an older one.

"who is this-" akaashi slightly panicked. did he send that whole voicemail to a complete stranger?

"keiji, my baby!" akaashi flinched at the second person on the other line. it was his mother- but she sounded...


"did you drug her?" akaashi inquired in an assuming tone.

"oh. no, no we were just-" the man was cut off by akaashi's drunken mother.

"let me speak to him!" she snatched the phone. a few moments passed before she pushed it back, "never mind. i'm mad at him."

"mom..." akaashi pleaded. a sort of uncertainty tainted his voice, which surprised him. he had never really felt worried for his mother, but, then again, he never really had to. the voice on the other line must have noticed this as well.

"i'm sorry," he chuckled as akaashi's mother mumbled in the background, "i shouldn't have had let her get this drunk. i've known she was a light-weight since high school."

"my mom..." akaashi mumbled "...didn't go to high school." akaashi's mother was homeschooled her whole life, and akaashi would've followed in her footsteps if it wasn't for his father.

akaashi had to move quick. he couldn't leave his mother with a drunk, and potentially dangerous, stranger alone. a charger, a black jacket and his keys were all he had before he rushed out his dorm quietly in order not to disturb his sleeping roommates.

"yes she did." the voice on the other line questioned, "she went to fukorodani."

"hey, leave my mother alone!" akaashi tried to sound intimidating but the outburst only earned him weird glances from the fukordani night staff. he muttered a quick sorry to everyone he had disturbed.

akaashi bit his lip as he formed a plan in his mind. it was 6:32 pm. he would reach his mother's neighborhood by roughly eight or nine pm.

but when was the next train coming? he could call for a taxi, which would be faster. but did they take credit cards? and what if they got stuck in traffic? would he be able to reach her in time? this guy could abduct her in 3 minutes. should he call the polic-

"keiji." his mother says, her voice steady as she whimpers, "i've lied to you about a lot of things."

akaashi stopped walking a few steps in front of the school entrance.

he heard a small thump, in which he supposed was the sound of the phone being laid on a table, "i went to fukorodani when i was in high school. and i..." a small intoxicated laugh left her lips that akaashi could've never imagined, "i did stupid things, but there was a time i stopped that and became your mother."

"...i'm your mother. i only wanted to be your mother. and...that was what i turned myself into, so i never told you about me." her voice was slurring over her comedic tone but a hint of melancholy could still be heard.

akaashi let his fists relax in a mix of surprise and relief. oh he scoffed, releasing white smoke into the cold air. when he thought about it, akaashi knew nothing about his mother. her family, how she met his father, even her school- he didn't know any of it.

who exactly was akaashi's mother?

"tsukki, your limousine is here." the man's voice said. akaashi perked up out of his daze and prepared to threaten the man.

"where are we off to madam?" was heard from afar as the phone rustled from her getting into the car.


the voice was distinct and fresh in akaashi's mind. the voice belonged to their personal driver, mr. jujin.

his voice was recognizable to akaashi as mr. jujin always dropped her off. it was warm, and uplifting. among that, mr. jujin would always referred to akaashi's mother as that english word "madam".

akaashi relaxed his tense muscles once he knew his mother wasnt being abducted.

"take me to my palace, jujin!" she said eagarly.

"she's drunk," the mysterious male voice informed and apologized to mr. jujin promptly.

"you were right. i should've married you." akaashi's mother said arbitrarily. she said it in the same tone she had portrayed throughout the whole conversation: ludicrous but dejected, which made it hard to identify what she really meant. akaashi furrowed his eyebrows.

who exactly was this stranger?

"goodbye, tsukki." his voice said with an unmatched tone. a hint of sadness and maybe... longing?

a tap was heard before the car's window rolled up.

"mom," akaashi started to walk back to the building, "you're okay, right?" he focused his attention to the night sky.

"yes, baby," she said in the most drunken way.

"i love you." akaashi said in an absolute tone.

"i-" akaashi's phone flew out of his hand before he could hear anything else his mother said.

he felt an impact with a small figure, and in only a few moments he sat on the cold concrete of the floor.

"crap..." someone said, "watch were you're going."

"sorry, sorry." akaashi said to the rude stranger. he extended his hands to help them up but they didn't take it. he was sure that they saw the gesture, even in the dim light of the school entrance.

akaashi's eyes were scanning the floor in search of his phone when he heard the stranger gasp.

"my glasses!"

"my phone..." akaashi mentioned in slight annoyance as he picked it up his phone, only to see the screen had severely cracked.

akaashi looked over to the person of short stature and noticed their distress.

"hey, i'm sorry. i could pay for it." he suggested.

somehow this made the person even more agitated, "no, it's fine. i'll deal with it." without wasting moment, the person left, leaving akaashi alone in front if the school's entrance.

akaashi frowned. he did feel bad, but his mother was more important. he pressed the power button and relief ran through him when the cellphone turned on.

it kept ringing, and ringing, but no one answered. "she must have fallen asleep." akaashi presumed.

he opened the doorway and walked back inside.

akaashi made a mental note to get his driver's number from his father the next day.

The Prince and the Frog | k. akaashi x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now