Ch 9 - Y/n's Mansion

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I have nothing to say, you can read the chapter.

Aqua: A-Chuu! So cold... Why did i sold my coat. It's so cold...

Aqua was in front of a small fire, trying to get some heat, but the wind almost extinguished the fire, making her panic

Aqua: Th-The fire!

She took out Kazuma's tracksuit, and was about to put it on the fire, but she was stopped by Kazuma himself, who slapped her on her head.

Kazuma: Hey, what are you doing?! Quit screwing around! *Takes the tracksuit* What do you think you're doing to my only memento of japan?!

Aqua: I don't have any choice! There's nothing else to burn!

Kazuma: Hand over that raiment, then! *Grabs Aqua's see through scarf* It looks like it would burn better than a tracksuit!

Aqua: Let go, you shut-in NEET!

Another current of air appeared, and put out the only bit of fire left.

Aqua: Whoa, wait!

Aqua tried to light the fire again, but the embers that were left died. Making Aqua cry.

Kazuma: I can't go on like this. We have to do something, and fast...


Market District//Axel
Y/n's POV

I was walking with Kazuma and Aqua. Kazuma wanted to show me a shop he knew, while he asked someone to teach him a skill.

Kazuma: All right, we're here.

Y/n: Oh, so this is the place? What's so interesting about this shop?

Kazuma: You'll see. Listen, Aqua. I'll say this while i have the chance. Don't throw any fits, you hear?

Aqua: Hey, what are you talking about? What do you take me for? I'm no hoodlum or outlaw. I'm a goddess, a bona fide deity! Hey! Are you listening to me?

We just started ignoring her and walked inside the shop, the first thing i saw was a pale woman with long brown hair that hid her right eye.

???: Welco-*screams*

Aqua: Huh?! It's you, you damned undead!

Aqua ran towards the "Undead", and held her by her clothes

Aqua: You opened up a shop here? I'm sleeping in a stable, and you're running a shop?! You're pretty full of yourself, for a lich! I'll burn this shop to the ground in name of-

*X2 Bonk!*

Kazuma and i walked towards Aqua and bonked her on her head, Kazuma with his shealthed sword, and i with my gohei as i usually do.

Aqua: Ow!

The girl who Aqua was shaking looked at Kazuma and me.

???: Kazuma-san!

Kazuma: Yo, Wiz. It's been a while.


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