Ch 11 - Destroying The Destroyer

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Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert!

All citizens, evacuate at once!

All adventurers, equip yourselves and report to the adventurer's guild!

Y/n: ...Oh fuck

Sanae: We need to help! Let's go!

Sanae grabbed Y/n's hand and ran with him towards the mansion gate, but midway they stopped to look at Aqua who stopped in front of Kazuma while she was moving a cart filled with her things, and shortly was joined by Megumin carrying a bag with her own stuff

Aqua: Kazuma! Y/n! You too Sanae! We're running away! We're running far away!

Kazuma looked at her, i guess still processing the situation.

Megumin: The mobile fortress, Destroyer... Fighting that thing is reckless, at best.

Sanae: I don't care if it's reckless! Im going to help!

Aqua: Are you crazy?! That thing is gonna kill everyone here, including you if you dont escape!

Sanae: I said i don't care! People will die if i dont help them fight the Destroyer!

Y/n: 'Ah... She's way too noble...'

Kazuma: I keep asking, What's a Destroyer?!

Darkness walked out of the mansion, and looked at us.

Darkness: It's an ancient weapon that went on a rampage. They say that where it passes through, not even grass remains.

After finally being told what the Destroyer was, (which by the way the name already told everything you needed to know) Kazuma stood there for a moment and looked at all of us.

Kazuma: Hey, everyone. We're going to the guild.

Hearing what Kazuma said, Sanae smiled.

Aqua: Why?!

Kazuma: Like hell we're gonna let the house we finally earned, after so much work, be destroyed that easily!

Y/n: ...Hah, yeah, like hell im gonna leave this place behind, no way i can settle down on a common house after experiencing the luxury of living in a mansion myself!

I started to walk towards the gate and took out my gohei from under my sleeve.

Y/n: 'I hope there's a good-ass reward in coin for this...'



Luna: All of you are this city's last bastion of hope... We humbly request your assistance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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