Chapter 1: Well, I'm Dead

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Well, my first story so it will be trashy
If you find the english a bit weird maybe it's because i wasn't the best at english class, well thats all.

(13-02-23: i decided to rewrite a bit of this)

Wowee = speaking
'Wowee' = thinking
Wowee = notes, messages, etc
*Wowee* = actions

Your POV:

You know? Maybe, JUST maybe, i should be concerned of being in the street to being in a black room with chairs and someone beside me that looks like the same guy i saw die moments ago.

How did i get here you may be wondering? Well it all started with me actually leaving my house to buy a damn game.

Worst mistake of my life.

Some time before....


That's me.

I was just playing some games and doing my own thing.

A nice and cozy life, until the disaster struck later

Y/n: Haaaaah... damn...

I left the controller aside and started to watch the ceiling.

Doing nothing.

It would have been nice to stay like that, but.

*Beeep! Beeep! Beeep! Be—

An alarm i set up in my phone started. One i set up for a game.

The game was called...


Ah... Wait- what was the name?

You know- forget it. It was a game, and that's what matters.

I took the phone and turned off the alarm, and i left my room and went downstairs.

Y/n: Mom!

Walking to the living room, i saw my mom watching a series, she turned her head and looked at me.

Mom: Yeah? What do you need?

Y/n: Are you going out today.

Mom: No, today is my free day, so i'll be staying here all day. Why?

Y/n: I wanted to ask if you could go and buy for me a game that was released today. Hey... is—

Mom: I know what are you going to ask and no. Your brother is out, he's with his girlfriend... so i don't know, ask your dad?

Y/n: Did you even heard who are you talking about...?

Mom: ...Yeah, nevermind. I don't know, just, go outside.... Come on, i want to keep watching this.

*Sigh* Jesus christ, allright.

I walked to the door and grabbed my shoes.

I dont really like to go outside.

I mean, i could, it's not like it kills me.

But why would i? I have games, and...



I just left the house.


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