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I couldn't move. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I couldn't think. I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror without thinking about her. I felt a rollercoaster of emotions, with grief that she wasn't my closest friend, and relief that she finally knew my secret being the top two. Among those emotions, I denied myself of feeling any anger towards her. She is good, she isn't a true, evil Luthor, is she? The shame and the guilt made me depressed. The one person I would wanna talk to about all of this was now gone. Funny how fights work right? The one person you need, is the person causing the need. Alex reminded me everyday that she was here for me, and everyone else did too. The world still needed Supergirl, even when I didn't feel super at all. I've been in many situations where all I had to do was punch my way out of it, and even in the situations I couldn't, I always found a way. I could never punch Lena, all I could do was beg her to forgive me.

I called her phone about a million times before she picked up. When she picked up, I heard her voice, it sounded so angry and violent but even to hear her talk, well I considered it a blessing.

"Kara, stop calling. Stop Texting. Just stop."

"But Lena.." Lena hung up before I could even talk. I sat on my couch, one day she would listen. One day she'll care, I tried to reason with myself over and over but it was no use. I needed to do something, but what was there to do? Lena never forgave Lex, or Lillian, or anyone really. I started to spiral. The what-ifs filled my head like a bunch of bees stinging my happy thoughts. That is until, I heard a knock at the door. I got up and didn't even bother to x-ray the door before I opened it. I opened the door to see Alex, which leads us to now.

"Hey," Alex notices my outfit, I am still in the clothes I wore to bed. A large National City hoodie that Lena once stole, and some random shorts, "You look..fantastic?" I let Alex in. Alex walks in and immediately goes to the couch but doesn't sit down.

"I think I can help with Lena."

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