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I replay the moment over and over, and yet I cannot seem to remember poisoning her. I just poured her water, I think to myself as I walk down to my lab. Hope stops me as I walk out of the elevator. 

"Ms. Luthor, Kara is asleep. Would you like me to put the metal wall up?" I walk slowly and see Kara asleep on the hospital bed, her heartrate steady, her face calm, her body almost still beside the small twitches now and again.

"No, Hope. We will just have to be quiet," I say as I quietly walk to a computer, "What have we concluded?"

"Well, it isn't stress, yellow sun, kryptonite, dehydration, or over-exertion," Hope says walking next to me, "Ms. Luthor?"

"Yes, Hope?" 

"You have Supergirl, your number one enemy, stuck and defenseless three feet away from you. Why haven't you done anything to further Non-Nocere?"

"My whole reason for Non-Nocere is to prevent pain, to prevent suffering. I want to change everything that makes humans and aliens primitive. I want Supergirl and all her friends to see me help humanity, not puppet master it. Now, if they think that I even touched Kara, then they won't be as receptive to my ideas, they will do everything in their power to stop me. I feel like I owe her, I hurt her too. I made my point, now I might as well help her."

"Have you thought about the claustrophobic idea?" 

"I knew she was claustrophobic, but I don't think it is that bad, is it?"

"It is worse than you think," Kara says sitting up on the bed, "What time is it? You know you don't have to drug me to sleep. I sleep better when I am not being drugged."

"Most patients have a trigger. Kara, why are you claustrophobic?" Hope turns and looks at Kara. I instructed Hope to call Kara by her name, not by Patient 102016 before Kara woke up the first time. 

"I am not doing this. I am not sharing my feelings with her, it. I am sorry, I just can't," Kara says standing up weakly. 

"Hope, could you go log last night's data into the database?"

"Yes, Ms. Luthor," Hope says entering the elevator. I hear the soft clicking of the doors closing, and the ding of it going upward. I grab a stool and pull it in front of Kara, but on the other side of where the metal doors would be. I sit promptly on it and Kara looks at me. She sits on the bed and looks directly at me. 

"What happened to you, Lena?" Kara says looking at me, and then looking down. We both know the answer.

"You happened Kara. You, Alex, Nia, Brainy, Kelly, Winn, Eve, Lillian, and Lex happened to me. My turn to ask a question. Why are you claustrophobic? In our entire friendship, you never once told me that."

"Lena, I was in a pod for years. Alone and replaying the destruction of my planet over and over in my mind until I convinced myself I was dreaming. Remember when you made me the anti-kryptonite suit? It took me at least an hour to calm myself down," Kara says almost as if I should already know the answer. 

"How did you get over it?" I ask before I can stop myself. 

"I never did, Lena. But I have friends who helped me through it and now, I can manage, it is just stressful situations that trigger it," Kara says. I hear my phone vibrate, and I pick it up to see a text from Hope. Hope figured out why Kara fainted. "Wait, I know that look. Lena, did you figure it out?"

I stand up and put the stool away. 

"No, Hope did."

"And?" Kara asks as the elevator opens and Hope comes rushing in. 

"Broken heart syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy can make you faint, but it is found in humans. It fits every box. Kara was under stress, her heart essentially became broken."

"Wait. Wait. Broken heart syndrome? Isn't that what Padme died from?"

"Kara, yes but also no. Now is not the time for a Star Wars reference. Hope, is it curable?"

"It usually reverses itself. Kara is back to normal essentially."

"So I can go?" I smile and look back at Kara.

"Yes, you can," I smile and look back at Kara.

Kara stands up, she walks over to me weakly. She almost falls but I manage to catch her. She hugs me. This feels like some twisted sense of Stockholm syndrome. 

"Why are you hugging me?" I ask. Truthfully, I don't mind the hug. It feels almost warm and nice.

"I know you are mad at me. But you had every chance to kill me. You had every chance to turn into Lex. But you didn't, now I can go home."

"I didn't do anything Kara. It was all Hope."

"Lena, I know I hurt you. Please don't go through with your project."

I look at Kara as she limps back toward the bed. I know I have to erase her memory of the last few days, but I can't help but think of a future with her.  A happy future, one filled with love, and honesty. A relationship with the thing I crave the most, trust. I walk over to where Myriad sits promptly and I hold it up. Kara's smile fades, and she only says one thing, 

"I will always love you."

Author's note- Ok, I am well aware this chapter was A LOT. If you didn't get my subtle hints here they are-

1. Patent 102016 is a nod to the date 10/20/16, which is the episode of the Kara and Lena meeting. 

2. "I don't need a Star Wars reference right now Winn. I need a plan."

 "Kara, yes but also no. Now is not the time for a Star Wars reference. Hope, is it curable?"

That is all I could find. I swear I put more. "See you" in the last chapter! 

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