Video One

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"Hey Lena. It's Kara. If you are watching this, that means that you know I am Supergirl. Now if you are mad, I understand. I lied to you for Rao knows how many years. But below this video is my apology series. You must know everything now to honestly and truly understand why I did what I did. I won't spoil the videos for you because you should watch them."

Seeing her on my screen is just like real life. Maybe it is better and easier that I don't have to face her, to admit that I betrayed her too. I never said that gave her the right, no, the audacity to lie to my face for years. She looks younger, warmer, happier in a way while she is displayed on my computer screen. 

"Today is the day after we sent Mon-El into space, a day after the Daxamite attacks. I am making this video in case something happens to me, and suddenly Supergirl and Kara disappear. This USB will be given to Alex and when something happens or you find out, she will give it to you."

She knew this was gonna happen. Am I really that predictable?

"The first day we met, Clark, who is a friend of mine, and a ex-friend of your brother, and I were sent to interview you to see if you caused the Venture explosion. He thought you did, I thought you should be judged on your own merits, which is something I told you later. That same day was your first assaination attempt in National City. It wouldn't be your last either."

A phone video plays and it shows Kara saving me in the helicopter. The pilot almost died that day, and Kara checked his pulse. You could tell she genuinely cared. I don't get why she is showing me this, I was there. I am mad at her, not amnesiac.

"It was the first time I saved you. It was also the day I vowed you as my friend. I could tell you were a good person. It wasn't that hard to see, you seemed so kind. We met a couple times later, specifically about your alien detection device. Before you start to recall those, I swear they work. I fried the one you tested me with," Kara chuckles, "You helped teach me how to be unbiased in the very beginning of our friendship. It was the first of many lessons you have taught me so far."

I remember that day, it was the day that Kara told me to call her Kara. In hindsight, our friendship truly started that day. God, we were so young, so untraumatized, so unbroken.

"The next time I saw you was about Veronica Sinclair, you knew immediately who Roulette was. Little do you know, you helped save J'onn's life that day, remember the friend who got involved with someone shady? He was that friend. Anyways, sometime afterwards you invited Mon-El and I to your gala. Later, you went to my apartment and asked to see Supergirl. It was the first time that Supergirl and Kara treated you completely different."

Supergirl was cruel, but she cared. She treated me different than her cousin, who hated the Luthor name. Maybe cruel isn't the right word, she seemed worried about my safety. Kara and I were on our way to becoming best friends at the same time. Kara was my only friend in National City, my only true friend.

"Later, I met your lovely mother. She kidnapped me and took my powers away, she made me bleed, made me learn quickly what mortality felt like. You knew I wasn't lying right? It was the beginning of the end with your relationship with Supergirl, so bittersweet. You then proceeded to fool your mother, and us. You lost my trust for a couple moments, it was so fragile, our friendship."

When I think about it, it always was fragile. It was built on a lie, and then more lies from both sides. It's hard to think about how Supergirl and I's relationship was doomed from the beginning. But Kara and I, we weren't doomed. After all, the Luthor's don't have bad blood with the Danvers.  

"When you were arrested, I knew you were innocent. I was worried for your safety while everyone was routing for you to get the maximum sentence. I defended you ruthlessly that day, I mean ask Alex and Winn."

The screen flashes to Winn's worried face.

"You know, the backseat driving, not helping," Winn says as you hear aggressive typing in the background. Kara appears in the frame.

"Sorry, but have you found anything yet?"

I skip ahead the video, it seems to be long.

"Ok, Ok if the video was corrupted by Henshaw's cyborg signature then I can reverse that signature and decrypt it and separate the raw video file from the corrupted one and..ha!"

"Lena didn't do it!"

"You were right?" Kara gives Winn a look, "I mean you were right! You were, you were right." All of a sudden the DEO voice sounds with a kryptonite alarm.

"What is it?"

"J'onn's been having me scan for kryptonite signatures so we can find Metallo."

"Have you found it Agent Schott?" J'onn says as he walks in.

"Yep, 50 miles north of Mount Whitney, but wait, it's strange because either somethings wrong with my signal or the source isn't pure."

"The ionizing radiation signature is breaking down at a exponential rate." Alex says as I click ahead.

"If these numbers are right, then it's not just unstable it's gonna blow."


"Like go nuclear."

"Have you finished repairing the anti-kryptonite vest Supergirl wore the last time she fought Metallo."

"They are in pieces."

"No, there is no time. I have to go now or Lena's dead." Kara runs off the screen. Kara appears on my screen again. "There isn't enough words for how I felt in that moment. I knew you cared about me too. You were worried when your mother used the sound grenade on me. It was the moment you cemented your friendship with me, with both Kara and Supergirl. I have to go so I'll see you when I make the next video. Lena, I am sorry."

The video ends and leaves me dwelling even more on the past. I too remember everything, when our biggest enemy was my mother. When we would talk about boys on couches and not have any other care. I exit the first video and click on video number 2.

Author's note- Although it is a lot of repeat, the show is over and I am following the set of events that really happened. I am just adding their inner thoughts. I will not be doing every Supercorp moment only the important moments. XOXO Grey

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