Video Four/Sam's video PT.2

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The world is filled with bad people. People who want to hurt us, kill us, make us suffer. They are your friends, your neighbors, even your own family. We can try to stop their intentions but we will always fail. We cannot prevent evil, only subdue it. You can't protect yourself from evil or hurt, Kara taught me that much. I thought I knew her, I thought she would never hurt me, but that was unrealistic. Even if I forgave Kara, the trust we had would never come back. The trust that I currently long for. 

"It isn't that I didn't trust you Lena, it is just that I couldn't let you get hurt, physically or emotionally. I couldn't risk that. The people that know only know because either way their lives  are in danger. Alex works at the DEO, Nia has the need to help people, Brainy too. There is a long list of people who know, but yet I keep my secret because otherwise, the people who aren't supposed to know, the bad guys, the villians, your brother..if they knew then everyone I love would be in danger, including you. I already contradicted myself, your brother does know. Red Daughter, Snowbird, whatever, she had pictures of me and you all over her wall. I wish that you could see it," I pause the video and open a new tab. I find the video that Lex ingrained into my computer. I clicked on it to see the video that stung, and broke my heart a thousand times over. Sure enough, there was the video I hoped to see. It is of Kara setting those exact pictures on fire. With the context, it feels a bit different. I almost click play when my phone rings. I answer it to hear Sam's familiar, comforting voice. 

"Hey Lena, did you watch the video?"

"Mhmm," I say standing up and walking towards my large living room balcony. 

"I am not going to tell Ruby but I thought you should see what she sent to other people. I wanted you to see the truth. She isn't saying anything bad. She is being honest."

"Honesty isn't really Kara's thing and I have so many questions."

"Well, I am not the one to be asked those. You could always ask Kara?"

"No," I stand on my balcony leaning on the edge, while staring at the skyline. The city always looks so nice this time of evening, "I don't trust her. I doubt she would tell the truth anyways."

"What is the worst that could happen? Your friendship can't get worse."

"I would hardly call it a friendship. I can't let her in again Sam. If I let her in, she will do what she does best, she'll grow on me."

"Do it for me? I really don't want to have to choose between you too? Please Lena?"

"I'll think about it. I'll talk to you tomorrow?" I ask, staring at the bustling street. 

"Talk to you tomorrow, boss," The phone goes silent and the call ends. Sam is right. I need answers and the only one who can give them to me, happens to be the person who is making me question in the first place, it is strange how that works. I walk inside my apartment and draw my new lead-lined curtains, then I pick my teacup up and place it in the sink. I sit on the couch and fidget with the signal watch. I crave Kara, like a kid craves chocolate. I wanna touch the button so bad, but I also want to throw it off my balcony. I press a button on my phone and an intercom beeps. 

"Hope? Can you clear my schedule for the rest of the week? And begin separation."

"Are you sure Ms. Luthor?" A calm, robotic voice talks back.

"Yes, Hope. I am sure. Thank you."

"Yes, Ms. Luthor."

I grab the watch and walk towards my bathroom. I splash water towards my face and put my hair up in a ponytail. What are you doing to yourself Lena? I think to myself as I click the watch once.  I walk slowly to my living room, almost as if I want this to seem more of a casual hangout than a interrogation. I sit down on the couch and immediately regret my decision. I watch as a uneasy Kara lands on my balcony. Her eyes are red and puffy, her face damp, her expression is empty. 

"You beeped?" Kara says as she puts her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, I did. I needed your help with something," Kara walks in and I quickly press a button on the coffee table. It startles her, "I made anti-kryptonian protocols here. Just like the," Kara interrupts, 

"The Fortress," she pauses and looks around, "now what did you need my help with?"

"I had a few questions," I look her in the eye trying to show honesty, but she looks down at the floor, like a ashamed child. Maybe it's rude to call her that, but it's the only comparison I have yet to make.  You see Sam sent me her video and I was hoping for clarification." 

"Lena..I...You just yelled at me, took Myriad, left me to die whilst using kryptonite," she says looking up at me, her eyes focused on my expression, in which she is trying to figure out if I am being honest or not. 

"Kara, please,"  I say, failing to not look like I'm begging for answers. 

 "No Lena. I can't do this," Kara starts to walk back out to the balcony. 

"Kara," I blurt out before I could stop myself. Kara quickly turns around, mad expression illustrated on her face. 

"What Lena? You betrayed me too. I have every right to be mad, just like you."

"Ten minutes," I pause, "I just need ten minutes of your time."

Kara walks toward the couch and sits down quickly. She turns to me, and makes direct eye contact. 

"What questions do you have?"

"Well, for starters, who else knows?"

"And why would I tell you that?"

"To put it simply, you owe me this," I say without thinking. Her face turns to utter dismay, and then it turns to the numb state that it was in when she landed. 

"The obvious people know. My inner circle, the whole future, your family, Maxwell Lord,"

"Wait, so you told Maxwell Lord, but not me. Why?"

"I didn't have too. He stalked Alex, he put a camera on her purse. My cousin obviously knows, his family, and trusted DEO agents. Next question?"

"What now?" I ask. 

"I have to trust that despite your feeling towards me, you will keep my secret. Not for my sake,  but for Alex's, and Nia's and everyone else. They all kept my secret because I told them too," she pauses and looks down at the coffee table. 

"J'onn possesses the ability to mind-wash me, he could make this all go away in an instant. Why hasn't he? What use am I to you? How can you even trust me?"

"I have to trust that our friendship meant as much to you, as it meant to me. I trust you won't tell anyone. It feels wrong for J'onn to erase your mind, you were gonna find out one way or another," I stand up and walk over to my counter, I pour two glasses of water. I walk back over to the couch and give her a glass. She grabs it, but doesn't drink it. She just swirls it around uncomfortably. 

"I didn't poison it," I say taking a large sip of water. 

"I know. I am not very thirsty, and next question?"

"You know what? I don't think I have any more," I am lying, but she won't care, she looks anxious to leave. Kara like expected stands up, but before she could fly away, she looks at me softly and falls on the hard ground. I panic, I watch as the shockwave leaves a crack in my flooring. 

"I didn't poison it. Did I?"

Author's note-Thank y'all for reading this. I know my grammar is interesting. So thank you again for reading. XOXO Grey

Author's note-(edited) I fixed a lot of my mistakes, and increased the details so it makes for a way easier chapter to read. XOXO Grey

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