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I wake up surrounded by computer screens and white walls. I look around barely lifting my head, trying my hardest to not panic. There is three computer screens, two empty, one monitoring my heart rate. There is a grey metal wall next to me. I realize that I can't move, it is like I am paralyzed. I take a moment to feel an all too frequent pain, kryptonite. I am flooded of memories, and I start trying to figure out where I am. I remember water in a cup, and looking up to see her. 

"Lena?" I blurt out. The metal wall opens and I see her familiar face. She smiles, but doesn't walk past where the wall used to be. 

"Good morning. How do you feel?" 


"This wasn't my plan, I swear."

"How am I supposed to believe you? You drugged me, and are keeping me at bay by using some homegrown kryptonite."

"All I wanted was answers! My intent wasn't to drug you. I actually don't know why you passed out. I took you to my lab because if I called anyone, I would be put in prison Kara, I cannot afford to go to prison right now," Lena breaks eye contact and turns around.

"Why won't you let me go? Why not call Alex?"

"I needed to make sure you are ok, that way you don't pass out again."

"Alex will find me," I say with faded breath. My eyelids feel empty, I try and try to fight myself from falling asleep. 

I hear the metal wall come down, and through the wall, I hear, "No, she won't."

"Plumerias," I say as I give in to myself. I let my eyelids close, and I let my paralyzed muscles relax. The last thing I think, the last question I ask is what have we become?

Hours Later...

It is said that time doesn't pass in a jail cell. I can't help but agree. I wake up and move my fingers. She must've changed the kryptonite ratio, I think to myself. I decide to stay quiet, I replay the moments in our friendship that meant the most to me in my mind. 

"I grew up in a house with the most deceptive people in the world, I can tell when someone's lying to me. You don't have to hide from me, Kara," Lena said to me. Without her, I don't think I would've survived without Mon-El. Rao, I should've told her I was Supergirl then. Now, I am chained to a table, barely able to move. The metal wall opens, and Lena confidently walks inside. Without saying a word, she unlinks the metal cuffs that were on my legs, and one giant one on my abdomen. 

"There is a bathroom over there. If you need to use it, let me know," she says while walking out. 

"Have you found anything?" I ask as another voice interrupts. I see another familiar face, it is  someone I hoped to never see again.

"Eve?" I sit up as quickly as the kryptonite allows me.

"Woah, woah take it easy," Lena pauses, "This isn't Eve. Kara meet Hope."

"Hope? Why does Hope look like Eve?"

"L-Corp inherited Spherical Industries, and I turned it into our nano-tech division."

"Lena, no. You didn't.."

"I did," Lena pauses, "Hope or Eve, whatever you prefer, is a loyal servant to me. Devoting herself or rather itself to my project."

"What are you gonna do?"

"My main focus is making you better Kara. Despite what you may think, I care."

"Maybe I was without sunlight for too long? What about the nerves, or the sadness?"

"Although both are good possibilities, you had enough sunlight, and if it was nerves, you wouldn't be awake right now," Eve says walking to a computer. 

"Did you...I don't know? Poison me?"

"No, Kara. Despite my feelings toward you, I wouldn't risk me or my operation just to get back at you."

"We both know you aren't above poisoning me." I point to the two green-glowing buttons on my collarbones, and a phone rings on the table. Lena picks it up and hands it to Hope.

"This is Kara," Hope mimics my voice. I hear a desperate Alex on the other side, but that is all I hear before Lena quickly clicks a button and the metal wall closes. I start to yell Alex's name over and over, praying that she'll hear me. As I yell, I come to the delusion, the thought that I might not make it out of here myself. I might become like Eve, stuck under Lena's control. She wouldn't do that, would she? The thought of it makes my eyes water. I stop yelling and try to stop these thoughts. The thoughts combined with the claustrophobia of this small room triggers a panic attack, my breath becomes shallower, my heart feels like it is beating a million times a minute, my head won't stop talking. I curl up into a ball, praying and praying for everything to stop. I barely notice Lena opening the wall and immediately rushing to my side. I feel like a 5-year-old crying at timeout and with a billion things rushing through my head at once, I murmur, 

"I am claustrophobic."

Lena looks sympathetic. She kneels down next to me, and just sits next to me. 

"I am sorry."

Author's note- I am sorry that this chapter took so long, and I promise that everything will tie up into a bow. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to "seeing you" next chapter. XOXO Grey

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