Kara & Lena

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Do you ever replay moments in your head over and over? The special hug that you needed, the one that you let walk away, the cry on her shoulder that you long for now. I lay awake on the hospital bed replaying Lena and I's first game night. I had invited her two weeks prior, but this was the first one she went to.


It is around six, I just got off of work. I fumbled with my keys looking for the right one to enter into the keyhole. I found it and I rushed into my apartment, exhausted. I took off my coat and threw it in the general area of the coat hanger. I collapsed on my couch and I let myself sink into the couch. I wanted to fall asleep but I knew that everyone would come in an hour. Winn was bringing "sorry," so I had to clean off the table. I sat up when I heard the doorbell ring. Alex is here early, I thought as I opened the door expecting to see the short-haired brunette holding a whole lot of pizza. Instead, I was greeted by someone very different, my best friend at the time, Lena.

"Kara! I didn't know what time game night was, so I figured I would try to get here right after you get off of work."

"Yeah, come on in," I said holding the door open and watching her walk in, "game night is in about an hour or so, but I am happy you came early. I could use the help with the set-up."

"What can I help with?" Lena asked smiling. With her joint help, my loft was clean pretty quickly. When we are done cleaning, Lena and I found ourselves sitting on my couch watching my favorite movie, "The Wizard of Oz." It felt a bit awkward but yet so normal, it felt like we've been friends for a hundred years, but at the same time, just a few weeks.

---Current Time---

As Lena held up Myriad, I knew what must be done. She had to mind-wipe me. Lena needed to ensure that her project would stay secret. But yet, she held up Myriad, and a bunch of tiny Nano-bots came flooding out of Eve's ears. Eve fell to the ground, and Lena just stood there emotionless. I found it strange how she never once looked at Eve, she just stared solemnly at me. When the Nano-bots were done coming out of Eve's ear, Lena threw Myriad to the ground, smashing it and leaving me speechless. Security came in and grabbed the very unconscious Eve and dragged her away. Once again, all Lena did was sit there.

"Lena?" I ask not expecting an answer.

"What did I do?"

"I don't know," I answer. 

"Kara?" Lena says walking over to me.

"Yes?" I say standing up.

"I love you too," Lena says ushering me to sit on the bed. She grabs a tablet and I feel the familiar feel of kryptonite lure me to sleep. When I wake up in what I presume is the dead of night and enter my thoughts, my memories play like a movie theater inside my head. I stare at the tv in front of me, and I debate getting up. That is until, I look over to see Lena head down on the counter, passed out. I don't wanna wake her. I remind myself that she is still "my Lena" deep down, but it remains a challenging thought. I changed her, we all did. I stare at my heartbeat until my eyelids feel heavy yet again. I fall asleep imagining Lena next to me, and the tv displaying "The Wizard of Oz."

----The Next Morning----

I wake up, not energized but happy. I immediately notice the emptiness of the lab. The kryptonite buttons once on my skin are replaced with bandages, and the heart monitor is turned off. I stand up and notice all trace of Myriad is gone, the lab is spotless. I rush over to a counter with only two things on it. A note and a USB. I read the note first,

Dear Kara,

I came up with an answer. I turned into Lex, I became the bad guy. That was never my intention. Without your love and your hope that I wouldn't be like him, I don't think that I would be the person I am today. If you haven't noticed already, I am gone. The kryptonite should still be leaving your system, and I placed bandages. I want you to know that I am safe and that I am moving L-Corp back to Metropolis. Eve is in prison, my naïve project is over, and Myriad is scattered everywhere. I sent tiny bits to different places to permanently destroy it, given the pain it has caused both of us. Before you go rushing to Metropolis, I want you to know that I forgive you but I beg of you to let me go. You will always be a part of me, but I think we should go our separate ways. From the moment I met you in my office to now, watching you sleep peacefully, I am happy for you Kara. Truly happy for you.

With love, Lena

I don't even bother to grab the USB before I fly to Metropolis, I wait for Lena's plane to land before I watch her gracefully exit. I rush over, wearing my glasses and the change of clothes she gave me, and I help her with her luggage.

"Kara, I thought I told you not to come, she says expectantly. 

"And I told you that we would always be on the same side, always," we both walk side by side to the airport.

"Kasnia," Lena says with faded breath.

"I meant it then, and I still do Lena. I am not mad at you, and I understand your point of view." I say, and Lena stops walking.

"Your insane to not be mad. I kidnapped you, used kryptonite on you, and abandoned you," Lena states looking down. I take a moment to notice Lena's necklace, it is a silver chain with a blue speck at the end.

"Myriad looks nice on you," I digress as I carry Lena's stuff further to the airport.

"Kara..wait!" Lena yells as I turn around, "I am sorry Kara. For everything. I kept a part of Myriad to remind me.."

"To remind you what?" I ask walking over to her, barely balancing her luggage. Lena rushes over to me and before either of us could say anything I pull her close to me, drop all the luggage, and we kiss in the middle of the airfield. I thought I knew what familiar felt like before, but this feels like home. It takes me back to our first game night. Lena got so drunk that she crashed at my place, and little does she know that she admitted her feelings towards me that night in her drunken state. I didn't believe it at first because who believes a drunk person, but I know now that every inch of it was true. I hold her tight, and we embrace.
"The shard, it reminds me of you."

"Please come back to National City Lena, I need you."

"I need you too," Lena cries and I hold her as tight as I can without causing her physical pain. In time, we walk over to Lena's plane and Lena sends it home with all of her luggage. I grab her gently and we fly back to National City.

----That night----


Kara is passed out next to me. I lay awake thinking about how perfect everything has turned out. I am where I have longed to be for the past week, safe in her arms. I reach over and grab my headphones and computer to do some last-minute paperwork to make sure that L-Corp stays in National City. But when I open the computer, I am greeted with the final video, filmed one day after our fight. I click play,

"Lena, hi. It's Kara, and it's Supergirl. I don't know what else to say except that I love you, and all I want is for you to come home. Come home to me, to all of us. Alex might give you the USB, so I just wanted to upload something current. I want to say sorry, but you must've heard that a thousand times so I will tell you that I never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to protect you. It isn't because you're a Luthor, it is just because of your safety. I realize now how selfish I have been, and how little we both think of me right now, but whatever you are doing with Myriad, I beg of you to stop because Myriad won't solve anything. Myriad is a band-aid to a bullet hole. If you are watching this, and you are still mad, then I can't do anything, but just know that if you decide to forgive me, I will always be there for you."

Kara then says something that feels all too fitting,

"Imagine what we could do together, a Luthor and a super working together as a team," and with that, the final video ends.

Author's note- I hope you enjoyed "The USB," I had a lot of fun making it. I do plan on making more Supercorp stories, and if you liked something, please leave a comment so I know! Over and out, Grey.

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