chapter 5: getting to know each other part 2

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Gertrude barkhorn

& lex hills flying to sakura empire

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& lex hills flying to sakura empire. They landed sakura girls looking at shikikan look alike.

Sw Destroyer: this is a bad idea


Hello shikikan sama

Trude: he's not your commander. BACK OFF

Taihou: you back off iron blood human

Destroyer: ATAGO

Taihou got bonked in the head by atago.

Taihou got bonked in the head by atago

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Destroyer standing behind him. Trude blushed because they look the same.

Destroyer: sorry you two. Welcome to sakura empire. Phoenix & Lynette are here with the other strider 6 & takao.

Atago: dear with your permission can i talk to captain barkhorn?

Lex: granted. Lex?

Sw lex: sure. Come with me strider 2 we need to talk


Trude & atago sitting in her & lex's house. Hiryu enters in giving them tea & snacks.

Trude: last time i heard about you 4 neuroi lasers hit you

For some reason atago recalls back then. Trude grab her hand.

Trude: sorry dis was rude of me

Atago: you okay. This neuroi makes my hull & skin crawl

Trude: we lost a ton of ships IFN (imperial fuso naval) are the last resort

Atago: so heaven spirit didn't die out. So you married to lex from his world that crossover to yours. What's it like, ustios are really good when it comes tp romance

Trude blushed red. She already did with him. " easy Gertrude, is just girl talk " she thought.

Trude: i had sex with him. You know what it felt good real good

Atago: ara ara. I had mines too. He is a good leader. He does not spend time in the office as any shikikan can. Outside person that reaches the hearts of many ship girls. That's why i married him

Trude: i'm sure he helped your demons just as my dear helped mines

To be continued:

Belfast meets shirley


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