omake chapter:

99 1 0

Don't  own anything

This is before

Chapter 14

SW Lex pov:

My wife Gertrude is resting. I heard 502nd are here. Eila told me about. I met other ship girls who are getting used to me not a commander like the other alternate same version me.

I see my older brother cipher talking to busty witch.

I see my older brother cipher talking to busty witch

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who happens to be my sister in law.

Sw destroyer: hey big bro hey big sis

Sw cipher: oh jeez I didn't see you there

Nikka: Hei lankoni

Nikka hugged me. Since after i helped 502nd & coalition aces destroyed neuroi hive Gregory they got married. She's also a sister in law to gertrude & Chris She's welcome to the family.

Sw cipher: how's trude doing?

Sw destroyer: She's doing well. Gave birth to our son now she's resting

Nikka: so i am a aunt cipher rakaani is a uncle

Sw cipher: we haven't done it yet

I laughed a bit i got bonked in the head by him.

Hikari: ohayo lex is been while

Edytha: nice running into you

Lex: your married to talisman am I right?

Edytha: yes I am

Nikka: where's your wife?

Timeskip brought to you by edytha teaming up with roon.

Nikka pov:

I see Gertrude & her younger sister Chris with atago AZ destroyer's wife. Trude laying on her bed under the covers. Holding her & sw lex's son.

Nikka: I am interrupting?

Atago: no your okay

Trude: your Nikka from 502nd eila told me about?

Nikka: Hei trude my sister in law


Chris: I gotta go play with unicorn. See ya

Trude: stay away from ark royal

Sw destroyer: she's married to our world version of cipher

Trude: Schwägerin nice to meet you

Nikka: same here. Who to Thought

To be continued:

More omakes on the way

Republish since sw destroyer knew already that he is married to nikka from this book.

Republish since sw destroyer knew already that he is married to nikka from this book

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That is in the same universe with this other book.


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