chapter 16: az cipher & zuikaku

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Two ciphers teaming up. Zuikaku destroyed several neuroi fighters. Yoshika protecting her. Nikka flying supporting mio flying her asfx shinden 2.

Hikari also helping yoshika. Zuikaku flew up fast her sword coated in flame sliced several large neuroi units.

Mio: << my KAMI >>

Yoshika: wow she can fly & float in the air. She can cut neuroi like the bakuzan attack

Two razgriz 1s firing there missiles, two black f14D super tomcats did a hard high G left turn.

(17:20 - 17:39 only)

Sw Cipher: << about time you got here >>

Az blaze: << talking about me or the other me? >>

Heidemarie: drop it

Zuikaku: akagi sama

Akagi: lets finish this


Drone uav landing on zuikaku's hull. She picked it up. Disc came out. She took it out gave it to mio.

Zuikaku: recon drone all the way here?

Mio: hai

Manjuus took the drone to her lower deck hanger. Later on they return to base zuikaku & az cipher visit their daughter's kendo class.

Their daughter having little bit of a hissy fit with little e due to their's mothers old rivalry

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Their daughter having little bit of a hissy fit with little e due to their's mothers old rivalry. Zuikaku & enterprise got their attention. They stopped fighting.


Zuikaku catched the photo of her & drake hills on vacation she wore her two piece red bikini.

She remembered during their honeymoon. How they first doing it. She smiled. She changed alot since his near death experience. She married him before she retiring to start a new life.

Often hangs out with her sister in law atago (she's married to Destroyer) she walked to her daughter's room cipher about to close the door but she stopped him.

Zuikaku: zui never gets in fights i wonder why?

Drake: because i used to get in fights

Zuikaku: don't feel guilty * leaned her head on his shoulder * today marks our 6 year anniversary

Drake: oh crap i forgot

Zuikaku: its okay *closes the door* come on

They set down watching living color.

Zuikaku's talisman flew over to her & him.

Shokaku: " disc you gave to mio. They found a neuroi large ship captured by the siren leader observer "

Az cipher/zuikaku: WHAT?!

Mio: " minna isn't too happy. Tomorrow she is setting up a strike team to meet this " observer " personally

Az Destroyer: " your off duty you two myself, other me & atago will be there "

Next time

Minna vs observer

Have a good Monday

Later & goodnight

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