chapter 12:

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Don't own ace combat 7

Strike witches

Azur lane

author pov:

Satellite detected neuroi activity in the ruins. Sirens stationed are shooting at it. It retaliation it shoots it back. Enterprise Lynette shizuka belfast arizona akagi sw fang erica Shirley Lucchini & sand diego are dispatched.

Enterprise: that thing is just attacking everything it sees. It has no interest to sirens what's so ever

Akagi: its just like sirens in any way

Shirley: are those cities?

San diego: sadly yes. Before sirens attacked


Neuroi appeared

(Theme starts playing in the background)

(Theme starts playing in the background)

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Shoots at the siren mass produced ships. Laser ricochet traveled fast to hit akagi. Akagi threw her shurikan flames deflecting the lasers.

Akagi: we gotta kill this thing -_-

Yoshika: hai lets do this

Shirley erica miyafuji & Lucchini took off. Arizona grabbed fang's f15c. His engines are hot. She spinned around & threw fang guts throttle.

Enterprise: 501st your weapons are useless against siren ships let us deal with it. Watch for siren jets they have a siren carrier. San diego give them cover fire

Sand diego & akagi nodded. Enterprise belfest & arizona summoned their Riggings went in the ruins. San diego fires her guns.

(15:50 only)

Akagi's new CIWZ Turrets on her ship opened fired on the neuroi.

Witches attacked the neuroi siren jets jets got in the way. Yoshika getting annoyed & punched the jet.

Shirley: wow you punched it

Erica: watch for friendly fire ja

Arizona blasting siren trapped ships. Enterprise on hit triple kill.

Enty: that's weird. That was it

Arizona: siren ships are using ruins as cover. incoming!

They dodge incoming attacks. AZ fang showed up along with hiryuu's planes as back up. Akagi found the core. She flicked her red shurikan at its core destroying it.

Theme ends:

Yoshika: wow she knew where the core is.

Witches protected the kanses from neuroi shards.

Akagi: shards?

Lynette: it can hurt you that's why we protected you from it

Fang looking at fang. He saluted flew back to hiryuu's carrier planes followed him.

Akagi: so sirens are using ruins as cover

Enterprise: yes. It shows the neruoi are far more powerful than the sirens


strike azur: skies unknown CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now