chapter 17: minna vs observer alpha

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Siren girls led by observer alpha recovered neuroi core. Those aliens from their world attacks anything that moves & breaths.

Including kansens & sirens. Observer was intrigued about where they come from. She also interested in SW world & strangeral world alternate same world of aces that came to theirs & now came to her & kansen world.

Her thoughts interrupted when she felt one of her tentacles. Get blown off by bullets. She turn sharply felt a fist connected to her cheek.

Observer sent flying landed on the island. Minna yensen atago AZ destroyer atago & eila weber are here.

Minna: eila. One called purifier is after you




Purifier blasting eila. Eila predicted her moves. Minna dodge observer's tentacles. Siren leader jumped on her. Minna opened fired. Bullets damage her.

She blocked her tentacle attack with her gun minna. She used her magic shield blocked the other 3 tentacle arms.

Minna: so your a siren named observer told me about

Observer: & your a strike witch i observe your arrival

Minna: destroy that neuroi core NOW

Observer: i was till you show up. These things don't have leaders like us as sirens

Commander Destroyer: they don't?

Atago: interesting

Observer: before we call it truce. Lets see what you got

They both back off. Bismarck came in time. She threw her sword at minna. Minna grabbed it she sliced few of her tentacles.

Meanwhile Purifier got shredded by eila's aggressive attacks. Observer noticed this & surrendered. Minna grabbed her neck threw her down slammed her on the rock.

(1:44 - 1:49 only)

Eila: DAMN!!!

Bismarck: she's not messing around. (Smile) yes ... True iron blood warrior of karsland

Minna: are you going to destroy that core or what? Ja

Observer: we need to talk

Observer is the good guy

Neuroi attacking anything that moves.


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