eagle union meets liberion

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Don't own anything

It's a in between chapters.

I end up decided to release this one

No intro or outro

Author pov:

In the eagle union side main base. Yorktown voted to be leading the meeting so she sat on the office desk. Enterprise kissed her husband AZ trigger & patted their daughter little (in her teenaged years) they both left she sat next to hornet. She got off the phone talking to her husband AZ slaughterhouse.

Charlotte whitley maiden name Yeager. She switching channels. Battleship new jersey standing beside Yorktown without her riggings.

Shirley: this is boring

Yorktown: patients * writing down her something on her notebook * so hornet. When are you gonna have kids?

Hornet blushed: wh .. what ...

Enterprise: you have not

" shut up sis "

New jersey: you been married for how long!? Too long. Shirley is in the same situation as you

Shirley & Hornet blushed red. Knocked on the door is heard. Washington comes in with general Patton of the liberion army.

Shirley: Yorktown this is

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Shirley: Yorktown this is...

Yorktown: general Patton of the liberion army. Welcome to azur lane faction eagle union. I'm Yorktown lead class of the Yorktown class aircraft carrier my younger sisters, enterprise hornet, this is battleship new jersey

Patton: * saluted * nice to meet you all ladies. Good seeing you again whitley

They saluted back, He sat down next to Charlotte. Eagle enterprise & Yorktown's pet he landed on Yorktown's shoulder.

Yorktown: so what can I do for you Patton. Is it a alliance you seek?

Patton: yes ma'am we wonder if you can allow our forces to crossover to help you fight against neruoi that traveled to your world

strike azur: skies unknown CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now