Liar, liar

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When I woke up this morning, the last thing I imagined myself doing was being in a heated argument with Darwin Reel in the middle of the Westfield San Francisco Centre. I don't know how it had come to that but right now, it's taking a whole lot of self-control to not jump on him and reap his eyes out. It wasn't even about something important, I just wanted someone to scream at and he happened to get in the way. Since I never liked him in the first place, the amount of ecstasy I feel doubles by the second.

"Who exactly do you think you are?"

"Right now?" He chastely glance around, "I'm going to go with the guy who's being scream at by a PMSing teenage girl."

His eyes bore in mine with a hint of both sarcasm and helplessness. I wonder what's making him feel so helpless. He hasn't been the same ever since he came back. I didn't really know him back then but I knew him well enough to know he was more outgoing than he is now.

I immediately pounce on him, my fist ready to crush his nose one more time but somebody hurls me back.

"Rachel, stop it. You're making a scene," Cassie whispers in my ears.

She's right. A crowd of people have already assembled around us to watch. A security guard approaches us. His scowling face, hard smile, and tight posture announce to anyone that he takes his job seriously and does not appreciate jokes.

"Is there a problem here, ladies?" He asks, his voice warning us against any trick.

"Of course not," I reply way too quickly. "We were just...umm." I prick my brain for a lie but none would come.

The officer's eyes harden at us. I begin to shift uncomfortably, that's the first time I've ever run out of lies. I turn toward Cassie for help but the girl looks like she's peeing her pants.

Ughh, can someone please tell me why I'm still hanging out with this girl? She's completely useless under pressure. Scratch that, she's completely useless, period.

A male voice puts an end to my small panic attack, "Well, Officer Raymond," he reads out the name tag attached to the the officer's right chest. "I'm glad you're here."

My head twirls around so fast that the veins on my neck almost ripped out. What is he playing at? I narrow my eyes at him cautioning him to put a brake to whatever crazy idea is going on in his mind but like I anticipated, he ignores me.

He smiles his I'm-sweet-as-candy smile but not one muscles on the officer budge, "Maybe you can help me calm these ladies down. They're simply too excited about the party they're supposed to be throwing me this weekend as a welcome back present. Apparently, it was supposed to be a secret but you know how woman are." He winks at the officer who let a small smile slips.

Another sexist macho man to join the club.

"You're invited to drop that uniform and join us for a few drinks," he continues to smooth talk the unsuspected man.

I quickly cut in, "I think the brave officer has much better things to do during his weekends than to attend parties thrown by a bunch of kids." I laugh to lessen the awkwardness in my voice. I have no time to be throwing parties for people I can't stand.

"No, I insist that he comes," he urges before the officer opens his mouth. "It wouldn't be the same without someone to protect us."

"Well," the man seems to think really hard about it but I recognize the sign of his confirmation before he even gives it. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to drop by for a few minutes. I always love meeting new people."

"Of course, you do," I say sarcastically under my breath.

From the corner of my eyes, I catch a slight twitch on Darwin's lips. He's enjoying this. Just wait and see. I'll give the little comedian a taste of his own medicine.

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