By myself

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 "Hospital? Again?" I groan when I open my eyes to find myself in yet another white sterile room. There's something different about this one, though. The room is nothing compares to the ones found in conventional hospitals. The white walls and fresh yet suffocating aroma is about where the similarities start and end.

The bed I lie on is a simple twin bed covered in white linens. There are no heart monitors or any other machine attached to me. Only a bedside table. There's another bed across from mine and a large window with metal bars in the wall between us.

I'm dressed in white pants and shirt. I have no idea when I put them on. I don't think I ever did.

"Hey, roomie," a girl bounces in. She's wearing the same outfit as me except for her pink rainbow jacket. Her pale skin shines in the barely lit bedroom while her shoulder length blonde hair gives her green eyes a stronger allure. She jumps on the bed across from mine with a cup of ice cream in her hand. "Want some?" She offers me when I keep staring.

"I'm going crazy," I whisper to myself. I rub my face and lie back down. I keep my eyes close tight, wishing that I will be back home with my mother yelling at me. That's rather unrealistic since mom doesn't yell very much - Steven doesn't like the noise.

I open my eyes again, I'm still in the same room. I don't know what's going on but I'm absolutely certain of one fact; This is definitely not a hospital. Should I get up and go investigate? Wait, what if my kidnappers find me roaming around? How did I even get kidnapped? The last thing I remember is being inside my room with my mom and Darwin by my side.

Should I ask that girl? She doesn't look like someone who's been kidnapped. She looks to have a childlike joy enveloping her as she licks the ice cream slipping on her hands. What if she's one of them?

"Where are we?" I hesitantly ask her.

"Bertram Mental Hospital," she answers nonchalantly as if it's an everyday occurrence for someone to wake up in a mental hospital.

"What?" I get off the bed. "There must be some kind confusion. I can't be in a mental hospital." I hurry out of the room and find myself in a long hallway with doors on either side stretching pass my line of vision.

How am I supposed to find the way out in this mess?

The girl taps my shoulder, "Where are you going?"

"I don't know, the office. I just need to speak to whoever is in charge of this place."

"I've never met him but I know someone who might show you." She finishes off the last bite of her ice cream cone.

"Great, let's go," I reply, anxious to get as far away from this place as possible.

There are secrets that are meant to stay buried. All of mine are. I can't have someone observing me closely on a daily basis. I can't have someone observing me. Period.

I follow the skipping blonde down the hallway in silence.

I can't believe I'm here, the place I've tried so hard to avoid. The place I lied and hurt others to avoid.

"Please make this a mistake," I pray but deep down I know it's not.

I've been working slowing toward this place. It's always been a matter of time.

I remember my last psychotic break. I remember trying to end my life but I'm still here. He's the reason why I'm in here, I know it. Darwin never knows how to mind his business unless it has to do with his brother, then he's quiet as a clam.

I come back to the present when we suddenly end up in a room filled with people in white pants and shirts like us and a significantly smaller amount in ocean blue scrubs.

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