Secrets unmasked.

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Hawa's POV.

Hearing him say those words really hurt me. I really thought he would be open to the idea of us being together again. I must have read him wrong. He's a guy if he likes me he could have brought it up. He chose not  to because he never did. I'm so dumb.

"I'm sorry Hawa." Taha said hugging me.

"It's ok, it's ok thank you for being honest." I said quietly.

The next few days went by super awkward. I felt like Taha was avoiding me, distancing himself. Did he feel nothing toward me? Why did he flirt with me? Why did he kiss me? The questions were haunting me.

"Good night Hawa." Taha said as I applied my moisturizer.

"Taha are you avoiding me?" I finally asked.

"No? I'm just busy. Did you have something you wanted to tell me?" He asked sitting up.

"Are you weirded out by that conversation?" I asked referring to my confession.

"Hawa." He said laughing.

"You're acting like a typical wife right now you realize that right? This is why I liked us the way we were. We could be ourselves. You like me more and now you're going to read into tiny things. We don't have to talk all the time. We're both free to do whatever we want." He said.

"It just seems like you're avoiding conversation with me on purpose."

"Well Hawa you confessed your little crush on me. I have to make you not like me again. Maybe you should go back home for a bit. It'll help you heal."

I looked at him in disbelief. His words were hurting me and he couldn't even see it. He knew I liked him so why was he being so inconsiderate toward me?

"I'm trying to help you. I think if you go to your parents it will help you forget those feelings."

"Do you think we just pick when to fall in love and when not to?"

"I don't know jack about love Hawa. But you do, you're clearly twice as experienced. Time will heal this." He said confidently.

I closed the lights and went to bed. I was so annoyed but I will not cry here.

The next morning I called Adnan and let him know I'd be coming there for a bit. He sounded very excited and it made me feel so much better.

I gave Taha a text and let his mom know then left.

"Woah are you here for a sleepover or are you moving back in?" Adnan asked taking my handbag and taking it up to my room.

"I'm staying until Tasneem leaves. There's not much space I hope you don't mind." I said quietly. Adnan turned around and looked at me with a smile.

"You're my baby sister. This house is yours always." He said hugging me.

"Did you tell mama?" I asked as he pulled away.

"Nobody suspects a thing. But me of course." He said chuckling.

"Where are they?"

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