Where did she go?

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Hawa's POV.

After work I said salam to my family and went back to Taha's house.

I unlocked the door and looked around. It was empty. Thank God. I'm going to make a nice dinner for everyone to start off nicely. I really don't want his mom to be upset with me.

I went to our room and switched the lights. My eyes immediately landed on the table. There was a bouquet of red roses placed next to a box of red Lindt chocolates. I couldn't help but smile at Taha's sweet gesture.

I ate a chocolate and went down to start cooking. I made some Lasagna I know Tahera and Taha both love it. I put coke in the freezer and then set the table.

"Hawa you're here." Taha's voice sounded so sad for some reason. I turned to look at him and it was then I knew he was not okay. Did he get fired?

"Salam Alaykum." I said walking over to him.

"You made dinner. Thank you." He said scratching the back of his head. He was avoiding eye contact.

"Where's Tahera and mama. I made Lasagna cause you guys love it. I thought it would be nice way to be back." I said looking up at him trying to get his eyes to reach mine.

"She'll be home soon." He said and I nodded.

"I'm gonna shower and change. Mama will be home by then."

"Are you sick Taha?" I asked before he left. His eyes wondered around the room. It was dead silent.

"No." He said unable to force a smile.

"What's wrong Taha?"

"I didn't sleep." He said.

"Why not?"


"What's going on?" We were both interrupted by his mother.

"Nothing. Hawa's back  she made Lasagna." Taha said walking past her.

"Im glad you're back." She said pulling me into a hug. She rested her hand at the back of my head and kept me in the hug for a while.

"Are you okay?" I asked holding onto either sides of her shoulders.

"The food looks good. I ate at Tasneem's. I'll have it tomorrow. Im gonna rest for now okay?" She said and I nodded and let her go. I bit my lower lip not knowing what to do. I tried to call Tahera hoping to get answers but she didn't pick up her phone.

A couple minutes later Taha came down wearing a black tank and a pair of sweats. His hair was still wet from his shower. Even with the face of depression on him he looked so attractive. I quickly looked away not wanting to let him know I just checked him out.

"Thank you for waiting." He said washing his hands. He pulled out a chair for me to sit and then sat in front of me.

"I'll take it out for you." But he stopped me and gave me a plate and than made one for himself.

We ate in silence and washed dishes then went upstairs.

"Is the gift for me?" Taha asked seeing the gift bag.

"Uh actually it's for Tahera. I thought I'd give her a small graduation gift. When is she coming home?"


"I forgot to say thank you for the roses. It means a lot. They smell so nice. Thank you Taha." I said.


"Yes Taha? What's going on?" I asked sitting on the bed next to him.

"Tahera left."


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