Chapter 3: The Dreams of Children Part I

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Hours later, the little celebration went off without a hitch. We may have been in the same academy class for, I don't know how many years, but we seemed to barely know each other. Apparently, Shino wanted to be a teacher just like Iruka. It was one of the things that caught us off guard.

"Wait, really?" Ino said letting go of Sasuke. We sat at a large table that fit all ten of us in a circle. There was a wide assortment of food sitting in the center so we could pick and choose what we wanted. Five years of savings gone just like that. Sakura and Ino obviously sat on opposite sides of Sasuke, who continued to give me a dirty look that I thought he only reserved for Itachi. I think he just put me on his kill list.

"Yes... Is it that surprising?" Shino said, looking as if he sunk even deeper into his tall jacket.

"No. I think it's really cool man." Kiba said, swallowing his pork cutlet. I actually have dreams of my own. Isn't that right, Akamaru." There was a happy bark in response. Kiba sat next to Shino and Hinata while Akamaru hung about in his jacket.

I was surprised they even let dogs into the shop. Then again... I stared at Shino, who seemed to take the meat and stuff it into his jacket one second, and the bone would come out the next. Well, I guess if insects were allowed, so were dogs. Then a voice boomed next to me, filled with excitement as if she was drunk. They didn't sell sake to children here, so she couldn't have been. At least I hoped she wasn't.

"We all have dreams Kiba. Shino told us his, now you tell us yours. Unless..." Sui paused to build suspense then a smile filled with mischief spread across her face. "You're a scaredy-cat."

"I'm no cat! I just think that shouting out your dreams without working towards them makes it pointless." Kiba's eyes darted around, bouncing to each of us as his face turned red.

"Ah, I get it. You want to be more bite than bark. I can respect that... Chicken." Sui started clucking, making us laugh especially since no one expected the eye patch girl to be so childish. Even I was surprised by how she seemed to open up to everyone.

A bark came from Akamaru. "Not you too buddy... Fine." Kiba wolfed down his water... that better be water! I can't afford anything else! "I want to be Hokage, god damnit!" Kiba leaned back in his seat, defeated. I was sure he expected us to laugh at him as we did with Naruto, but surprisingly Hinata spoke up first.

"I... I think... I think it's cool you want to be Hokage." Hinata hadn't said a word the entire time but hearing her speak up seemed to shock everyone. Even I didn't have a comment to make. Sui had always told me that as the heir to their clan, Hinata was unsuited for the task. She was just too soft.

When Hinata noticed everyone went quiet, she started to panic until Akamaru jumped out of Kiba's jacket and licked her.

"Thanks, Hinata. You're all right." Kiba said, the color returning to his face.

"Well, I guess I'm next." Ino stood up. "Unless you want to go, Hinata."

Hinata shook her head with a blush as she continued to pet Akamaru.

"I want to design clothing. Since ninja should be able to look deadly and stylish." Ino struck a cute pose with a kunai twirling in her finger.

I looked at her and then at everyone else and took note of our styles. Considering we all wore some form of a jacket with shorts while she wore a two-piece blouse and skirt along with bandages to cover herself up. It was clear Ino was the only one who thought about her looks. Besides me, of course. She even had her forehead protector tied around her waist like a belt instead of the usual on your forehead style.

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