Book 2: Epilogue: What Makes Me So Special? Part II

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Book 2: Land of Sand

Epilogue: What Makes Me So Special? Part II

Me and Tayuya spent the rest of the night watching over the others, where we ate the food Maki brought us and were even able to play a couple of games of Shogi. Though spoilers Tayuya didn't win even with the handicap. That's what helped cement the idea that she was a sore loser. I had scars on my arms to prove it! Have I mentioned I hate Pinky, that fucking bastard...

Yet once we were told the lights had to be turned off, Tayuya eventually got sleepy. There, I found myself getting kicked in the face by her because she clearly did not know how to sleep with a brother! At the very least, Yukino understood a kick from her would knock me out, but Tayuya almost did it on purpose. Why did I even agree to sleep with her...

"Hey little bro, you still awake?" Tayuya whispered as she shuffled around to look at me from the head of the bed only to receive a glare from me, who was at the foot of it.

"Kind of hard to sleep while getting kicked in the face."

"Yeah, I don't know why you won't just sleep like a normal person."

"The same reason why you need me to be in bed with you," I grumbled because, yes, I was feeling a little nostalgic. Though, I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to try this when the bed was already cramped. Maybe because this was the first time we slept together without Sui. God, just thinking about it makes our whole relationship sound weird. However, I was getting sidetracked as I heard Tayuya sigh.

"I can't help it." Tayuya slumped back onto her pillow and stared at the ceiling. "Just like you hate needles, I hate being alone."

"I wouldn't say I hate needles. It's more like an uncontrollable fear. Almost irrational in a way since it's only with doctors." I chuckled as it made me feel childish, and Tayuya's response made the feeling worse.

"Isn't that what I said?"

"Oh..." Was all I could say as a droning silence filled the room where I started to become self-conscious of the situation.

"Stupid little brother, you make it so hard to talk to you sometimes."

"It's hard to talk to me?"

"Only when you're hell-bent on being clueless. That's why I like it more when you have your Sharingan on. Gets rid of the clown in you."

I let out a sigh as the world slowed down, creating a light crimson glow in the room. "That better?"

"Yeah," Tayuya said as she patted the spot next to her. "Now lay up here. I'm tired of talking to the ceiling."

"Fine, fine." I said, bending to the whims of my baby of a big sister. It made me wonder why she was the oldest again as I laid down beside her with our backs facing each other. There was barely any space, and I was slipping off the bed even more than before, but on the bright side, I wasn't getting kicked in the face anymore.



"Can I be honest with you for a second?"

"I don't think you've ever lied to me, Sis."

"Of course, you don't," Tayuya muttered, snatching up more of the bedsheet than she already had, leaving me with nothing. "You believe me when I say I care about you guys. You believe me when I say I'm the older sister. You believe me when I say I'll protect you."

"And you did protect me even if it meant you would die."

Tayuya laughed. It was hollow. "That's the thing... My body... It just moved on its own... And in the end, I didn't even protect you. If it wasn't for Yukino, we'd all be dead. In reality, all I did was buy you time as a sacrificial pawn. Funny really. I haven't changed at all."

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