Book 2: Chapter 6: Team 9 vs Kimimaro!!! Part V

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Book 2: Land of Sand

Chapter 6: Team 9 vs Kimimaro!!! Part V

"Damn it little bro! It's been less than a day since I promised to protect you, and I already have to save your ass!" Tayuya shook her head as blood dripped down her arm. "I guess I should've known protecting the crybaby Uchiha would be a fucking pain."

"I am not a crybaby!"

"Could have fooled me. You've even upgraded to tears of blood from all your whining."

"Tears of what—"

Sui grabbed my neck, wringing me out. "Yuki! When are you going to listen to me! Do you want to go blind!"

"Can't breathe... Blind.... how was that.... going to... I don't have a—"

"A Mangekyō Sharingan...." Kimimaro muttered as he walked through his forest of bones, spitting out broken bones along the way. "So it's true.... Orochimaru would want him as a vessel... Even more than me... I... I can't have that! Dance of the Sycamore Tree!"

The bone forest seemed to react to his emotions as they rose further up from the ground, only to sink deep into it. Soon enough, bones began to protrude and wrap around Kimimaro's body, encasing him in some sort of bone armor. The ground even cracked beneath him from the weight of it all as the bones on his right arm grew into a bone shield to pair with his lance. I had no clue how he went from a dinosaur to a walking knight, but I knew it wasn't good. As the bones around his mouth cracked, snapped, and popped just so he could speak with barely any trace of humanity.

"Yuki Uchiha! I'll kill you!" Kimimaro roared before the bones reformed around his mouth, leaving just his eyes and hair uncovered.

"Shit, that's new...." Tayuya muttered as the black lines from her Curse Mark spread across her body. And soon enough, she tossed her cap aside as her red hair grew along with horns that took its place.

"Tayuya, how in the world?" Sui said, staring at Tayuya clearly using her a Curse Mark Stage Two, which thankfully, got her to stop choking me in the process.

I let out a cough as I rubbed my neck. "I thought you had that sealed?"

"Naïve Little Brother. Did you forget who the hell I am! I'm Tayuya Uzumaki of the North Gate! Summoning Jutsu!" Tayuya placed her hand on the ground summoning three large Doki, each standing well above 30 feet. There a demonic smile grew on her face. "As if a seal made for Anko's shitty version one Curse Mark would work on mine. That stupid old geezer treating me like I'm some sort of fool."

"Hey Sui, did you hear what I just heard?" I said with a goofy grin.

"Yup." Sui nodded, grinning with me.

"Are you two even listening to me!" Tayuya yelled.

"Yeah, we hear you loud and clear Tayuya Uzumaki," I said, feeling the realization kick in for Tayuya. She didn't even try to deny it, simply blowing into her flute as a baby Doki appeared beside her.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

"Wait, not the face!"

Sui stood up, shaking her head as I tried my hardest to keep the little pink bastard from clawing at me. Though while we were having fun, Kimimaro didn't seem too pleased by us as he roared once more, splitting our ears.

"Tayuya! You Traitor!"

"Traitor?" Tayuya turned away from us, dispelling the baby Doki as she glared at Kimimaro. "I don't remember killing Yuki to be a part of the plan. In fact, you were so caught up in your bullshit you didn't even wipe the Fourth Hokage's personality. All of this prep work, and you wasted the perfect opportunity to test Lord Orochimaru's Jutsu. If anything, you're the traitor. Worthless vessel."

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