Omake Chapter: The Monochrome Fox Part I (Chapter 3.35)

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Omake Chapter: The Monochrome Fox Part I (Chapter 3.35)

"Hey Kasai, could you lend a hand?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Kasai, do you have a moment?"


"W-Woah, dang it—"

"Don't worry, I got you."

Kasai had just gotten back from his 2-week long mission only to find that he was still needed. Left and right, the people who knew him asked for his help, whether it be fixing the electricity in their homes with a temporary volt of lighting chakra or something simple like carrying groceries. And if a call for help was heard, he'd be there just in the nick of time.

"P-put me down! I don't need your help."

"Sure you don't," Kasai said, letting his unofficial—pretty much official—girlfriend stand up for herself.

"Sheesh, I thought you were supposed to be out." The girl in a pink qipao said while dusting off her clothes.

The girl in question went by the name Tenten—for some reason—and she was out at the training grounds practicing her Fūinjutsu ninja tool techniques. She'd been trying to perfect this aerial strike that would rain weapons down on her opponent, and if they magically survived, she had wires attached to them as a surprise attack. Sadly, it was still in the theory stage, and Tenten tended to miscalculate her airtime leading her to plummet into the dirt, except this time, Kasai was there to catch her.

"You'd be right to think that," Kasai said with a growing smirk. "Since I told you when I was leaving."

"Uh-huh. So why are you here again? Mr. Stalker." Tenten said, picking up and resealing her weapons.

"Funny since I'm sure if I was stalking you." Kasai appeared in front of her with three scrolls of sealed ninja tools. "You wouldn't know."

Tenten's eyes widened at how fast Kasai had resealed her weapons, but she wasn't going to complain as that saved her time. Yet her taking the scrolls without a word was enough for Kasai to be happy. As he knew she found the feats he could perform to be amazing.

"So..." Tenten said, getting back in position while Kasai gave her some space.

"So what?"

"Did you bring me back anything?"

"I was supposed to bring you back something?"

"Kasai... I'm sure you know I don't miss." Tenten eyed Kasai as she did various hand signs.

"But you miss me all the time."

"That's because I've never thrown a shuriken at you for real," Tenten said as the five scrolls around her shot upward in a cloud of smoke. Each unrolling to the point they looked like the tails of a: Five-Headed Rising Hydra!

Tenten jumped in between the scrolls and in quick succession, unsealed and threw various ninja tools from kunai to... was that a fucking mallet? Regardless she aimed at the multiple practice dummies striking them from their heads to their feet, never missing a mark.

Kasai watched on impressed, but when Tenten went to pull some of the tools back with her wires, he saw the flaw in her strategy. Controlling wired kunai, let alone other ninja tools took a certain level of physical mastery and chakra control to pull off. And with that many ninja tools, each of a different caliber, Tenten stood no chance of succeeding as she plummeted towards the ground like a dragon with clipped wings.

I guess this is the best time to surprise her. Kasai thought to himself as he pulled out a large foldable shuriken he had gotten while he was out. With a flick of his wrist, all the blades gathered on top of one another to form a quad-bladed sword that reminded Kasai of claws. Lightning Cloak 10%.

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